Chapter 10

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November 20th, 1997
*Anastasia's POV*

Today I had a day off, and Madison decided to spend the whole day together. We went shopping, had launch, came back to my apartment to watch a movie and then started talking non-stop.
When I looked over at the clock it was already 8 p.m, we were now talking about me and Michael... I just told her how everything seemed to be 'different' now.

"What do you mean with 'different' ?" she asked while lifting one of her brows, while we were both sitting on the sofa.
"I don't know... it's like our friendship became stronger ... " I said while staring in a blank space, thinking about me and him.
"Hm..." she simply said, snapping me back to reality, I looked at her.
"What?" I asked confused,
"Maybe your friendship became 'stronger' because you're starting to develop feelings for him..." she said, back at it again, I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Again? How many times do I have to tell you that I don't have feelings for him in that way?" I whined,
"No Ana, I'm serious ... how come you don't notice? Why don't you admit it to yourself? The last time I've seen you like that was back then when you fell for... Jacob." she said, and the name she just mentioned sent shivers down my spine... not in a good-feeling-kind-of-way ... but in a negative kind of way. Jacob is my ex boyfriend... the one who abused me, used violance against me, cheated on me with my ex-best friend...

Anger, disgust, sadness and pain started to take advantage over me. All of a sudden I had a flashback....


This part of the story contain violance and strong language, as well as sexual content. If it makes you uncomfortable please skip this part or read at your own risk!

"You cheated on me with my best friend! How do you expect me to forgive you? You must be completely insane! You're out of your mind! I hate you." I shouted while tears kept rolling down my face uncontrollably, that pain in my chest and in my stomach just won't go away. I've never felt so in pain before... I didn't know a guy could break me like this. Please make it stop.

He then came closer to me, grabbing both my wrists squeezing them hard, and pushing me against the wall. He looked furious, his eyes were dark as the night sky.

"You don't know shit about me! You're just a little naive slut, you can't tell me nothing. Understood?!" he yelled at me, I couldn't stop sobbing. The pain of him squeezing my wrists was just too much...
"P-please let go of my wrists... you're hurting me, you asshole!" I yelled. Out of nothing, I felt my cheek burn... he just slapped me.
"Don't you dare call me that again." he said in a serious tone, why is he doing this to me? His face came closer, starting to kiss and bite my neck... "you're all mine, Anastasia. And you can't do nothing about it." he moaned onto my neck.
"Let me go, Jacob!" I yelled while sobbing.

He pulled me over to the bed, still holding tight my wrists with one hand, while the other hand started to rip off my clothes.
I tried hard to push him away, but he was way too heavy... his chest was pushing on mine, his hand squeezing my wrists, my legs trapped underneath his's... I was unable to free myself.

"Please Jacob, let me go!" I screamed while crying hysterically, "Why are you doing this to me?!" I yelled. He finished to take off my clothes and started to unzip his pants.
"Because I love you Anastasia." he whispered,
"You don't. If you would love me you wouldn't do this to me. You're disgusting!" I yelled once again, but he didn't seem to care.

He pulled down his pants and pushed with violance his erection into my heat, causing me to scream because of the pain, because of the fear I was feeling... he ruined me.


I couldn't understand how I could ever love someone like him, still to this day, I cannot understand. Without even noticing I was crying. Madison started to caress my back but I immediately stepped back, wiping away my tears...

"Don't." I said, "Don't say his name ever again. Don't EVER mention him again!" I said almost shouting,
"Hey... it's okay... I'm sorry..." she whispered, "What I meant is, that I can clearly see that you fell for Michael... I know it's different now, but please admit it to yourself." she added. I sighed and looked over to her.
"Alright, yes. Yes I fell for him. Is that what you wanted to hear? Are you happy now?" I said while standing up and walking back and forth, massaging my temples with both of my hands. "I just... can't tell him. He's still married, and I don't want to ruin our friendship, plus I don't want to lose my job." I added. Madison started chuckling, I looked over to her who was now covering her mouth with the palm of her hand. "What?" I asked.
"Are you really worrying about the damn job right now? And about that being married stuff, YOU told me, that he's getting divorced as soon as his next child gets born. So where's the problem?" she started, I remained silent and listened to her, "and about ruining your friendship, you won't! It's the opposite, your friendship will get even more stronger. Trust me." she added. Well, she could possibly be right.

I sat back on the sofa next to her, releasing a heavy and deep sigh.

"You're right..." I said,
"I know I am." she replied smirking, I giggled and threw a pillow against her.
"Damn girl... you've been having a different kind of glow since you met him. He really does make you happy... and you are fucking in love with that guy, head over heels." she stated, causing me to blush hardly. I smiled from ear-to-ear while covering my face with my hands. She's right. She's fucking right. "I told you, you would break the rule at some point, no?" she then joked.
"Stop!" I whined, slapping her arm, causing us both to laugh.

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