Chapter 27

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May 5th, 1998
*Anastasia's POV*

I was now in Michael's bedroom, getting ready for the Interview with Oprah Winfrey.
I put on a simple white bodycon dress with some white sandals, I straighten my hair and was now doing my makeup.
Once I've finished I walked downstairs and noticed that Michael was already all dressed up and he was looking at the technology-crew who were setting up the lights around the sofa for the Interview.

"Damn, they transformed your living room." I joked while walking closer to him, his head immediately snapped and looked over to me. His eyes traveled on my body, looking at me up and down.
"And you look perfect." he said flashing me a smile, I smiled back and leaned in to peck his lip.
"When is Mrs. Winfrey arriving?" I then asked. He looked on his watch before replying.
"She should be here any minute now." he answered. I simply nodded.

After a few minutes the door bell started ringing, me and Michael walked towards it hand-in-hand and welcomed Oprah inside. She immediately flashed us a smile before looking down at our hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet both of you." she gently said,
"It's a pleasure for us to have you here." Michael replied with a smile on his face. Oprah then started looking around the House, her lips slightly parted, clearly shocked.
"Michael this place is huge... so this is how the Neverland Ranch looks like. It's amazing." she said, me and Michael couldn't help but giggle.
"Thank you very much." he politely answered.

We then walked her to the living room, she took a seat on the armchair and soon we started getting ready to start the interview. The technology-crew put some microphones on our clothes and got the camera ready.
We left Oprah alone in the living room so that she could start before calling us in. I was so nervous.

"Good evening, I'm Oprah Winfrey. Today I am happy to announce that I'm in Michael Jackson's home in his Neverland Ranch, where we're going to attend this long awaited Interview with the King of Pop himself and his girlfriend Anastasia Johnson. Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Jackson." she talked to the camera, soon the camera moved towards the entrance of Michael's living room and that was time for us to walk in, what we did: hand-in-hand and smiling.

We walked towards the sofa and politely shook Oprah's hand before taking a seat on the sofa, next to each other. I crossed my legs and tried to breathe as slow as possible, trying to calm down and not show how nervous I am to be sitting in front of a camera where the world was watching us live. Michael immediately squeezed my hand as a sign to reassure me that everything is going to be just fine.

"Hi Michael, Hi Anastasia. Thank you for inviting me in this beautiful and huge House. How are you doing?" she asked us,
"Hi Oprah, it's a pleasure having you here. We're doing really good." Michael answered while smiling at her.
"Michael, before we jump in the interview I'd like to congratulate with you for this beautiful home... it's nothing like what I have imagined and I'm positively surprised." she said, Michael simply smiled and nodded.
"Thank you, Oprah." he replied.
"Now, tell me ... what is going on? I've seen the News going all crazy about this new relationship of yours with Anastasia. They said a lot of crazy things, and we all would like to know the truth and what is going on." she started, god... she got straight to the point.
"Well, Oprah, let me tell you this... it's the Tabloids, they always say a lot of garbage, because that's what they're good at. That's what they want, they want to show off the negative sides that doesn't even exist. They say a lot of things that aren't true, and sadly people believe them. That's what I would like to say to my fans... please don't believe any of the things that the Tabloids say, none of that garbage is true." Michael answered before looking at me, "The truth is, yes I filed the divorce from Debbie, but I decided to do so way before Anastasia started working for me as a Security. And getting to know her hasn't had an influence on my decision with my divorce. It was something that I wanted to do and I did. What then happened between me and Anastasia was simply a gift from God, and I am beyond happy for that. She has been a really good friend of mine for a very long time now, and... well... we fell in love." he said giggling, god my face was literally burning hot. "I waited until I filed the divorce papers, before confessing my feelings for her. And that's where we started dating." he finally said.
"Wow... okay, that sounds so sweet and so romantic. I'm very happy for you guys that you have found your way to each other. I have to be honest, you two really make a good couple. I'm sorry for your divorce, Michael and I feel beyond sorry for what the press had said about you..." Oprah answered.
"Yea well that's what the Tabloids do..." Michael said before releasing a sigh.
"And you Anastasia, tell me your version. How was it working as Michael's security and when did you understand that you fell for the King of Pop?" Oprah then finally asked me, I cleared my throat before talking.
"Well what can I say, dear Oprah ... working for him was just like any other job, just because he is the 'King Of Pop' doesn't mean that the job is different from the others. Of course it took a lot of patience and attention, but that's normal to me since I have already worked as a Security in the past. I loved being his security, protecting him was my number one priority, his safety was and still is." I started, my hands are literally sweating, "and when did I understand that I was falling for him... oh god." I said and giggled, "I don't know exactly. We got along very well since the first moment we met, and soon we started talking and have gotten to know each other, I felt connected to him, you know the feeling when it feels like you have known a person since forever?" I said and she nodded, "that is exactly what happened. It felt like I've known him in years, I immediately felt comfortable around him. We have shared our past, our deepest secrets, we kept talking over the phone every night. He has become my best friend and, well... soon I started to develop feelings and fell completely in love with him, head over heels. Not because of his fame or because he is 'Michael Jackson = The King Of Pop' , but for who he really is." I confessed.

I looked over to Michael and noticed how he was blushing and smiling widely. I couldn't help but smile back at him. I then looked back to Oprah and she looked touched and speechless. I chuckled.

"Wow.. Anastasia dear you killed me here. You're a really lucky girl, many many other girls out there would do anything to be in your position right now. And I have to admit that you seem like a very nice, loving, kind and mature young woman. No wonder that Michael fell in love with you." she said making us all laugh. "And tell me, what happened a few days ago? I heard you were in the hospital." she added, I licked my dry lips and sighed before replying.
"Yes, that's another thing ... the fans, the Tabloids and the Paparazzi's, they all went too far. It was crazy. I accompanied Michael to the Studio that day, we were alone, no other Securities. Once we arrived at the Studio there was a sea of people crowded outside, I thought I could manage all of that on my own since I was still his security, but clearly I couldn't... I had a breakdown, I collapsed, because of the big crowd and the crazy things that they were shouting at me... I fell to the ground hurting my head, and had a concussion." I spitted. She looked shocked.
"That's something that I can't tolerate, and I hope that the Tabloids and everyone out there have learned from that lesson now." Michael added before Oprah could reply.
"That is indeed crazy... I'm so sorry Anastasia, how are you feeling right now?" she asked.
"I'm doing a lot better now, Michael insisted on taking care of me, he hasn't left my side not even for a minute. He even insisted that I stay here with him for a while." I said and giggled.

She kept asking us questions for a while, and after what felt like hours the Interview was finally done. We said our goodbyes before the camera went off.
We then thanked Oprah for coming over and greeted her before she left. Once we closed the door we turned around and faced each other.

"Thank god it's over..." Michael said before releasing a heavy sigh. I giggled.
"Yea.. finally. Now I can do this." I replied before wrapping my arms around his neck, and pressing my lips on his's. He smiled on my lips while placing his hands on my waist and holding me close to him.
"You did an amazing job today, baby." he whispered,
"Thank you. I'd do anything for you, you know that right?" I whispered back while a smile is plastered on my face. He smiled brightly from ear-to-ear.
"I know... that's why I love you." he then said before locking our lips in a deep-passionate kiss.

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