Chapter 56

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February 23rd, 2002
*Anastasia's POV*

Me and baby Blanket finally arrived back home, Michael and Javon came to pick us up from the Hospital.

As soon as we entered the House, Prince and Paris immediately ran towards us, excited to meet their baby brother.

I smiled widely at them, before slowly walking to the sofa and taking a seat, while holding Blanket in my arms. Prince and Paris rushed towards us and sat down next to me. One on the left and the other on the right. Michael followed us with a big smile plastered onto his face.

"Prince, Paris... this is your baby brother, Blanket." I whispered to them, still smiling widely. They both clapped their tiny hands in excitement.
"Can I hold him?" Prince asked,
"Sure. Just be really careful okay?" I replied while looking at him, he smiled and nodded. "Look, sit straight like that, slightly open your legs and hold him like that..." I then explained to him, before gently putting Blanket on top of him. He immediately wrapped his arms around his brother, while looking at him. "Just like that... hold him tight, not too tight, though." I then said before releasing a chuckle.

I looked in front at me at Michael, and he was starring at us, smiling from ear-to-ear.

"I want to hold him too!" Paris whined,
"You will, just let Prince hold him for a little bit then it's your turn, okay?" Michael gently replied to her. She simply pouted her lips and crossed her arms. I love that girl. I couldn't help but giggle, before grabbing her and making her sit on my lap.
"Come here... look... look at your baby brother." I whispered in a sweet tone, pointing at Blanket. That's when she finally smiled and gently caressed her brother's cheek. My heart was literally melting... now we have our perfect little family.

After Prince held Blanket for a while, it was Paris's turn. I swear they look way too adorable... the way they're so gentle with their baby brother... I will never forget this moment.

Once Prince and Paris were both satisfied, I gently grabbed Blanket back in my arms and made my way upstairs to our bedroom, carefully placing him down into his crib, since he was peacefully sleeping now.
I decided to go take a shower and change into more comfortable clothes, and as soon as I did that I tucked myself under the bedsheets. Even though it has been two days since I gave birth, I still felt really exhausted. I was still a little bit in pain and most of all: I felt empty. The Doctor warned me about the post-partum depression, he also said that not every woman experiences that, so I hope it's not going to hit me. Soon I fell in a deep slumber.

March 5th, 2002

Me and Michael are starting to plan our wedding, and today we have an appointment with a wedding-planner who is going to help us throughout all that...
He insisted on wanting to get married as soon as possible, so we scheduled the wedding for April 7th. Can you believe it? We are getting married in a month.

I finished getting ready and walked downstairs, only to find Michael sitting on the sofa, Blanket in his arms.. he was whispering something to him while placing a bunch of tiny kisses over his face. I couldn't help but smile widely at the scene that I was witnessing. I then faked a cough and his head immediately snapped towards me, meeting my eyes. He smiled.

"You two look so adorable together..." I then said smiling widely while walking closer to him.
"You really think so?" he then asked before I leaned over to peck his lips.
"Yes." I replied and took a seat next to him, glazing at our baby.

After chatting for a little while, we heard the doorbell ringing. We immediately stood up and both walked to the door, opening it and welcoming the wedding-planner inside.

"Mr. Jackson, Mrs. Johnson, I am very happy and honoured to work with you on the organisation of your wedding. Thank you so much for calling me. How are you doing?" she gently said while smiling at us,
"It's a pleasure to have you here, Mrs. Williams. We're doing really good, thanks for asking. Please, follow us." Michael replied with a smile plastered on his face, while pointing with his hand to the living room.

We immediately walked her inside and she took a seat on the sofa.

"Mrs. Williams would you like to have something to drink?" I politely asked,
"Oh, no, thank you." she gently replied. I nodded and sat down next to Michael, in front of her.

Soon we started discussing how we would like to have our wedding, and she started giving us advice's, offering us her help, and we carefully listened to everything that she was telling us.

*Michael's POV*

After about 2 hours, Blanket woke up and started crying. I tried to lull him, but that didn't help, he was probably just hungry.
Anastasia then stood up and excused herself with the wedding-planner, before grabbing Blanket from my arms and walking inside my office so that she could breastfeed him.

"You have a really beautiful house and an adorable family, Mr. Jackson." she said while flashing me a sweet smile, I smiled back and nodded.
"Thank you very much, Mrs. Williams." I politely replied.
"Alright.. I think I have everything I need for now, I'll call you soon to schedule another appointment so that we can discuss further details." she then said while grabbing all of her stuff, before standing up. I nodded and walked her to the door, before thanking her for her work and collaboration with us. We then said our goodbyes and she left.

When I walked back to the living room I noticed Anastasia walking out of my office, while lulling Blanket. As soon as she stepped inside the living room she looked around, before her eyes met mine.

"She left?" she then asked confused, I simply nodded.
"She said that she has everything she needs for now and will call us soon to discuss further details." I replied while walking closer to her, flashing her a sweet smile. She sighed and nodded. I then looked down at Blanket, who was now peacefully sleeping again.

I placed a sweet kiss onto his forehead, before she walked over to his crib and placed him down. Shortly after, I walked closer and hugged her from behind, placing a kiss on her shoulder.

"You made the happiest man alive, you know that, Mrs. soon-to-be Jackson?" I whispered, making her giggle. She then turned around wrapping her arms around my neck, and smiled at me.
"And you made me the happiest woman alive. I can't wait to marry you..." she then whispered back. I smiled widely before locking our lips in sweet-gentle kiss.

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