Chapter 26

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April 29th, 1998
*Anastasia's POV*

I tried opening my eyes, and as soon as I did I noticed a white ceiling and a weird sound. I looked next to me and it was a monitor ... I'm at the hospital?! I tried to sit up but I stopped because of the pain that I was feeling all over my body, and also because of the cables attached to me. What in the fucking hell happened?

I looked around the room, but I was alone. The monitor signaled that my heartbeat was accelerating, well yea I'm panicking of course. I'm laying in a hospital bed, cables attached to me, in pain and alone!
Shortly after the door slammed open and Michael entered with a Doctor.

"Baby! Oh my god, you woke up, finally. Are you okay?" he asked as he rushed towards me, holding my hand. I cleared my throat before talking.
"I'm good... just a little bit in pain..." I said, he nodded, still looking worried. "W-what happened?" I then asked, but before Michael could answer the Doctor interrupted him.
"Mrs. Johnson, I'm Dr. Davis, you've had a breakdown yesterday while you were headed inside the Studio with Mr. Jackson. Looks like you hit your head on the ground, causing a concussion. It's nothing serious though, with some rest and the right medication you should be fit in a couple of days." he explained while my eyes went wide, I have a concussion? How the hell did that happen? I haven't even noticed...
"O-okay, thanks Dr. Davis." I then replied. He nodded.
"Call me if you need anything." he said after visiting me, and left the room, leaving me and Michael alone.

He looked worried, disappointed, mad. Well he told me that it wasn't safe for me to take care of all that on my own...

"M-Michael? I-I'm so sorry..." I tried to say, while tears threatening to fall down. He sighed and squeezed my hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb.
"I warned you... from now on, it's better if you have securities around you as well." he then said,
"But-" I started until he interrupted me,
"No but's. I can't risk to lose you, Anastasia." he said firmly. I sighed and ended up nodding in agreement. So that means that I'm no longer his security? I mean, how can I? I can't be his security and girlfriend at the same time... and he is right. Our safety is more important right now.

After a while he layed down next to me on the Hospital bed, cuddling with me until I fell asleep again.

May 4th, 1998

I was now at Michael's House in the Neverland Ranch, they just accompanied me here from the Hospital. Michael even went to my apartment to grab some fresh clothes, he wanted me to stay here with him for a while.

I told him multiple times that I was doing better, I wasn't in pain anymore. I could walk, I could talk, I could do anything. But still he was worried about me and wanted to take care of me.

He helped me to sit down on the sofa as soon as we arrived.

"Michael, stop. I'm doing fine. Very good actually. Stop worrying, baby." I then said to him, he sighed and sat down next to me.
"Are you sure?" he asked worried.
"Yes. I'm sure." I replied with a smile on my face.

*Michael's POV*

She kept saying that she was fine, but I didn't believe her. I felt the need to take care of her, even though she wasn't in pain anymore.

"So tell me, when is the Interview? Tomorrow right?" she then asked trying to change the subject,
"Yes but you're not going. You're staying here." I firmly said.
"What? Michael, no. This is about us, I need to be there with you." she replied. I shook my head 'no'. There was silence for a while. "Okay, I have an idea..." she said, I looked over to her with a confused look.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Let's invite Mrs. Winfrey over here to the Neverland Ranch, and we're going to attend the interview here. That way I can stay here and have the interview with you, without leaving the Ranch." she said smiling confidently and shrugging her shoulders. I chuckled and shook my head. That's exactly why I love her... she always finds a solution for everything. She does anything in her capacity to help and support me, even when she is not to a hundred percent fit. God, how I love her.
"Alright... I guess that must work. I'll call Frank and tell him to call Oprah, we're attending the Interview at the Neverland Ranch." I said smiling before pecking her lips and walking to my office.

Once I was in my office I grabbed my phone and called Frank,

"Hello?" he said while picking up,
"Frank? It's Michael." I replied.
"Michael, buddy, what's up?" he said.
"Listen, can you please call Oprah Winfrey and inform her that we're attending tomorrow's interview at the Neverland Ranch? Anastasia can't leave and she needs/wants to be there as well..." I explained, we talked about it for a while until he said that he'll take care of it.

I thanked him before ending the phone call, and walk back into the living room only to see Prince sitting next to Anastasia on the sofa. I walked closer and noticed that she was feeding Paris, who peacefully layed in her arms. That made my heart melt... she definitely is the woman that I was looking for. She'd be such a great mother to our children... no words can describe what I feel for her. She's trapped in my heart, now and forever.

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