Chapter 59

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April 7th, 2002
*Anastasia's POV*

Today is the day. I'm getting married.
I woke up about thirty minutes ago, and I already had breakfast and showered.

My mom, Katherine, Janet and my sisters just arrived and they were now helping me with my hair and make-up.
I'm nervous... way too nervous. My hands are literally shaking.

"Are you nervous?" Janet teased, before releasing a chuckle.
"Of course she is... and that's completely fine. You'll see, you are going to do an amazing job, sweetheart." Katherine said before flashing me a sweet-reassuring smile. I slightly smiled back, while trying to remain still since Amber is doing my makeup and my mom is doing my hair.

After another thirty minutes my hair and makeup was done, the last part was: my dress.

They all helped me putting it on, adjusting it, making it look perfect. We then finished off the look by putting the veil on my hair, letting it fall down covering my face. I then turned around and looked at my reflection in the mirror... my heart was racing way too fast, my hands were now cold because of how nervous I am.
My mom clearly noticed, since she started caressing my arm up and down, flashing me a smile through our reflection in the mirror. I looked at her and smiled back, and that's when I noticed that she was crying.

I giggled and immediately turned around to face her.

"Mom... c'mon don't cry... you are going to make me cry as well. At least wait until the ceremony is over." I joked, causing us all to laugh. She immediately grabbed a tissue and tapped it under her eyes,
"I'm so sorry.. you know, mother's tend to cry at their kid's wedding." she then replied,
"That's true." Katherine said while a big smile was plastered on her face. I chuckled and embraced my mom in a sweet hug.

Once she calmed down, it was time for us to go outside... the ceremony is going to be here at the Neverland Ranch.
Everything was already perfectly decorated, the guests were there as well... they were waiting for me to walk down the aisle.
Katherine left before we did, so that she could take a seat and keep an eye on Blanket.
Janet and my sisters are my bridemaids, they are going to walk in front of me with Prince and Paris.

I took a few deep breath's before nodding at Janet, signing her that they can go.
She smiled and nodded back, before grabbing Prince and Paris and walking out with my sisters.
I grabbed my mom's arm and slowly started following them outside...

Soon the music started playing, everyone stood up from their seats, Janet and my sisters started walking down the aisle, followed by Prince and Paris who were now distributing tons of rose petals on the floor.
Shortly after it was time for my entrance... I took one last deep breath before starting walking slowly down the aisle, with my mom next to me.

I looked in front of me and Michael was already waiting for me, with a big smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back, while walking towards him.
As soon as we arrived, my mom gave me a quick hug, before handing my hand to Michael.
He immediately grabbed my hand pulling me gently closer to him, before grabbing my veil and flipping it over, revealing my face.

The music stopped playing and the priest gave everyone a sign that they could sit back down. Shortly after the ceremony started, me and Michael stood now in front of each other, our eyes locked, big smiles plastered on our faces.

*Michael's POV*

The ceremony has just started, I was holding both of Anastasia's hands in mine while our eyes were locked. I could tell that she was nervous, since her hands were cold and shaky... it wasn't a big deal for me since I've been through all of that twice already, but I have to admit that I was a little bit nervous too, since now it's different... this time, I'm marrying a woman that I truly love. This wasn't a fake wedding , I wasn't doing this for the press... I was doing this for me, for us. And also, I never had such a big wedding ceremony, it was always a big dream of mine and now it's finally becoming reality.

Soon it was time to exchange our wedding rings, what we did, and once we done that it was time for our vows.

"Mr. Jackson, would you mind saying your vow?" the priest gently asked, I nodded and cleared my throat before talking. I looked deep inside Anastasia's eyes...
"Anastasia... my love... I've known you for five years now, and I still remember the first time we met just like it was yesterday. I remember, it was in Mrs. Brown's meeting-room, it was the day where you signed your contract, where you started working as a security for me. The first time I ever layed eyes on you, I knew that you were different, I could see it and feel it. And I was right. Soon you became a good friend of mine, one of my closest and best friends... we started talking about our deepest secrets... I immediately felt comfortable around you. And soon, I fell in love with you, head over heels. I knew that you were the woman of my life, the one I wanted to spend the rest of the years with... the one to have a family with. I always knew that you were going to be a good mother , and I was right about that as well. Today, I am blessed. I am blessed because I'm marrying the woman I love the most.. the mother of my children. I love you, Anastasia." I tried to say in a calm tone, trying to fight back the tears.

Of course she couldn't hold back her's, since tears started rolling uncontrollably down her cheeks, causing me to giggle. I gently wiped them away with my thumb, until I heard a weird nose in the crowd... when I looked over at the guests, I noticed that they were all crying as well. Damn... looks like I did a great job.

"Mrs. Johnson, your vow." the priest gently said to her. She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath before looking back at me,
"Michael... " she started in a shaky voice, "I remember when I first had my job interview, I had no clue that I was going to work as your security. The moment when Mrs. Brown told me, my heart skipped a beat. And the day that I met you? God... my heart was racing at a beat that I've never experienced before. Once I started working as your security, there was no way back... I was in. Completely. I couldn't avoid you, even if I tried to, that was impossible. Because my heart belonged to you, way before I knew that I fell for you. You changed my life, Michael... for the better. My life was a mess before I met you, and I really gave up on the idea of finding the perfect man... but then you arrived, and you made me believe that it was indeed possible. Look where we are now... we had a lot of up's and down's, but we stayed strong and we fought against it together. We didn't let anyone get in our way... we have our own little family now, and I only have to thank god for that, because without his help... I wouldn't stay where I am right now. I love you, Michael. More than life itself." she then said before tears started rolling down her cheeks again.

Tears started rolling down my cheeks as well now...
Shortly after the priest said a few more words, before communicating that we are now officially Mrs. and Mr. Jackson.

"You may now kiss the bride." he finally said, I didn't hesitate any longer, I immediately grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to me, locking our lips in a sweet-gentle kiss, while everyone stood up and started applauding for us.

"I love you, Mrs. Jackson." I whispered smiling onto her lips,
"I love you more..." she whispered back.

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