Chapter 5

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September 15th, 1997
*Anastasia's POV*

It's almost two weeks since I started this new job, as Michael's Security. Everything has been doing just fine until now, sure I am exhausted but besides that I'm very happy with my job.

Today I am staying at his Ranch overnight, since we all do this alternately.
It's currently 4 in the afternoon, and my shift starts at 6 until 6 in the morning tomorrow...
I just took a long warm bath, and I am now about to get ready.

I decided to wear some grey pants, with a black tank-top and grey blazer, with black sneakers.
Since I'm too lazy to do my hair I simply put it in a high ponytail. I ended up only putting on some concealer and lipgloss.

I then walked into the kitchen and made myself a quick dinner, while sitting at the dining table enjoying my dinner my phone suddenly started ringing, it's Madison.

"Hey Mad." I said answering the phone,
"Hey bestie, how you doin'?" she asked, while I put some food in my mouth, I quickly swallowed it before replying.
"I'm doing good... just a little bit exhausted." I replied,
"How is it working for the king of Pop?" she asked and giggled, I rolled my eyes.
"It's going good so far. I have a night shift today.." I said,

We kept chatting for a while until it was time for me to leave. I put everything in the sink and rushed to my room to grab my bag and keys and left the apartment, walking over to my car, still on the phone with Madison.

"So he wants a divorce?" she asked, yes I overheard an argument between Michael and his wife and found out that he wants a divorce after his next child is born.
"Yea... that's what I heard." I replied while entering the car.
"That means that he's going to be all yours soon." she joked,
"Madison!" I whined and she laughed on the phone. "How many times do I have to tell you, he's my-"
"-your boss, I know! But hey, never say never." she finished the sentence, I rolled my eyes once again.
"Alright I'm in the car now, I have to go. Call you soon." I said before saying our goodbyes and ending the phone call.

I then started the car and made my way to the Neverland Ranch.
When I arrived I greeted the other securities, some were already going home.
I am going to be alone with Chris tonight, another male security. I entered the House and greeted the maids. As soon as I walked near the living room I noticed Michael playing with his son, I couldn't help but smile at the scene that I was witnessing. His Son then looked up to me and gave me a toothless smile, I smiled back and waved hello at him causing him to chuckle... how sweet.
That's when Michael lift his head and his dark doe eyes met mine, flashing me a smile.
I bowed and smiled back.

"Good evening, Sir. I just arrived... I'll be outside with Chris, in case you'll need anything." I gently said, but before I could walk away I got stopped by something or someone grabbing my leg, I looked down and noticed that it was Mr. Jackson's Son, I gently grabbed him in my arms. "Hi little man." I said in a sweet-playful voice, before walking over to Michael to give him his son back.
"You can stay for a while if you want, it looks like you and Prince get along very well." he then says with a wide smile on his face, I furrowed my brows and looked over at Prince that I was still holding in my arms, and smiled.
"Thank you, Sir." I gently replied, I then put Prince back down, before getting on my knees and playing with him for a while. "Your son is really sweet, Mr. Jackson." I then said, looking over at him, who was now sitting on the sofa staring at us with a smile on his face.
"Thank you, Mrs. Johnson." he replied, I nodded.

I then got up and bowed at him before walking outside to the main door, next to Chris.
The Neverland at night is even more beautiful, since all the lights were on. It's so peaceful here.

*Michael's POV*

I kept turning around in the bed, not able to fall asleep. I released a heavy sigh and looked over at the clock: 12 p.m

I decided to get up and walk down to the kitchen, to get myself a glass of water. I then took a long sip of it before walking over to the window, seeing Anastasia standing at the main door, shivering.
I decided to get outside...

"Mrs. Johnson, where is Chris?" I asked since she was out here all alone, she looked at me with a tired look.
"Uhh he'll be right back, that's what he said." she whispered with a slight smile, I nodded. "Why are you still up at that time, Sir?" she then asked, while covering herself with her arms, literally shivering.
"I couldn't sleep..." I said before releasing a sigh again, "why don't you come inside? You're shivering." I then said, she shook her head 'no'.
"Come on, get inside, take a break, it's okay." I reassured her, finally she stepped inside with me.

We walked over to the kitchen counters and I handed her a glass of water, before both taking a seat.

"Why can't you sleep, Sir? If I may ask..." she whispers before taking a sip of her water.
"I don't know... I've always had issues with falling asleep. It was because of Touring at the beginning, I guess it became chronic." I simply said, she nodded.
"If you want I can prepare you a cup of tea, Sir. That usually helps." she says before flashing me a sweet smile, I ended up agreeing and she immediately rushed over to the kitchen preparing me a cup of tea.
"Tell me about yourself, Mrs. Johnson..." I said, I don't know why I asked, that just slip out of my mouth, I really want to get to know her. She looked at me with a confused look.
"Uhh... I don't know if we should talk about this, sir." she said, I giggled.
"It's okay, Mrs. Johnson, stop worrying about the rule. I'm your boss, not Mrs. Brown." I reassured her, causing her to giggle as well.
"Well... I'm 25 years old, I graduated in college and started working as a security for a couple of years, but since I recently moved to Los Angeles I needed a new job. My mother and my sisters live in Minnesota, my dad died when I was little ..." she started, I simply sat on my chair, sipping my hot tea and listening to her...
After she finished telling me about her life, I was speechless...
"And what about relationships? Do you have a boyfriend?" I then asked, she nervously giggled.
"Uhm... I had a boyfriend, it was a long time ago... it wasn't really a good experience, Mr. Jackson." she replied, I furrowed my brows.
"Why not?" I curiously asked,
"It was selfish. He didn't really love me... he just... used me. He... disrespected me." she simply stated, I looked at her with a worried look, longing to know more... she clearly looked nervous, but I reassured her that she can talk to me about anything, so she ended up telling me everything. About how her ex-boyfriend cheated on her with her ex-best friend, how he used violance against her... I immediately balled my hands in fists.
"God, Anastasia I'm so sorry ..." I then whispered, grabbing her hand and caressing the back of it with my thumb.
"It's okay... it's in the past anyway, Mr. Jackson." She said and forced a smile. I stared deep into her eyes and I could tell how she felt in pain.
"Thank you for opening up to me... I really appreciate it." I started, "he wasn't worth your time. You deserve so much better." I added, she smiled and nodded.

We spent almost the whole night talking about ourselves, I ended up telling her about my past life too as well as my current situation with Debbie ... she was a really good listener and I felt comfortable around her, like I've known her for years.
When I looked up at the clock I noticed it was already 3 a.m,

"I should probably go get some rest..." I whispered in a low raspy voice, she nodded.
"I think Chris should be back anyway. Goodnight, Sir." she whispered with a wide smile on her face.
"Goodnight, Anastasia. It was good talking with you." I said smiling back at her before walking upstairs.

I got back into my room and tucked myself under my bedsheets... I closed my eyes, but the only thing I could visualise was her.

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