Chapter 7

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October 1st, 1997
*Anastasia's POV*

I woke up by the strong sound of my alarm, I sighed and turned around to stop the alarm. I opened my eyes and looked at the time, 7 a.m.
It's time to get up and get ready, my shift starts at 8. To be honest - I can't wait to see Michael. These past days we have been talking over the phone every night (when I wasn't staying there over night.) When I was at the Ranch for my shift, he would come often to me and we would have a chat. I think we established a good friendship by now ... we would talk and joke around a lot. And when I stay there overnight he would always stay up until late to have a night conversation together... it's definitely something I've never experienced before.

I smiled to myself like an idiot while thinking about the moments we've spent together...
I then got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready, afterwards I got dressed and did my hair and makeup, had some breakfast and good dose of caffeine before taking my stuff and leaving my apartment.

Once I've arrived at the Ranch I greeted the other Securities and the maids, and soon I heard a baby scream. I looked over to where the voice was coming from and noticed that Michael was walking closer to me, while holding Prince in his arms. I smiled widely.

"Hiii Prince." I said excitedly before grabbing Prince in my arms and hugging him tight to me. "Good morning, Michael." I then said as I looked over to him, he smiled at me.
"Good morning, Anastasia." he replied.

I played for a while with Prince in the living room, until I heard a female voice...

"Since when are Securities allowed to play with the kids of their bosses?" she said in a irritated voice, I looked over to the woman and it was Debbie - Michael's wife. I immediately stood up from the floor with a worried look.
"U-uh, Mrs. Jackson, I-I'm very sorry-" I got interrupted by Michael's voice,
"Debbie, stop... Mrs. Johnson and Prince get along very well, that's why I allowed her to play with him." he said standing up, facing her.
"Oh you did? What if I say that I don't want her to?" she says while crossing her arms, my legs started shaking.
"I-I'll better leave, I'll be outside if you n-need me, Sir." I managed to say while making my way out of the living room, but Michael stopped me by grabbing my arm.
"No, Anastasia, stay." he said firmly. I looked over to him and then to Debbie.
"Oh, now you call her by her name?" she says sarcastically, she was literally furious. "You know, maybe this job wasn't made for you, Anastasia. Maybe I should have a call with Mrs. Brown." she then said facing me, my heart was pounding to a beat that it's almost dangerous. I looked over to Michael with tears in my eyes. He looked furious.
"Debbie! Stop. I am her boss, and I decide. Stay out of this." he said in a serious deep-voice, she looked over at him and let out a sarcastic laugh.

I heard foot steps behind me, and when I turned around I noticed that the other Securities joined us.

"Is everything alright here, Sir?" one of them asked, I looked over at Michael.
"Yes. Yes, everything is alright. Don't worry." he said, they nodded and looked at me for a second before leaving.

"Mrs. Johnson could you please leave us alone for a second?" he then said, I nodded and bowed before leaving, walking outside to the main door. I couldn't breathe... my legs were still shaking. Am I going to lose my job now?!

*Michael's POV*

As soon as Anastasia left the room, I stared deep into Debbie's eyes with a furious look, while my chest was going up and down really fast.

"You know that this is wrong, right Michael?" she said to me after releasing a heavy sigh.
"You don't tell me what is right and what is wrong, I make the rules here. Nothing happened." I replied, trying to remain calm.
"Something did happen. You let her play with our son, you called her by her first name... you are falling for her, aren't you?" she then said. I gulped... was I ?
"No, I am not. Like I said, nothing happened." I repeated.
"Wasn't the rule, to not establish any kind of relationship? It looks like you two became good friends..." she then said with a smile on her face.
"And so? What if I want to be her friend? I make my own rules and I'll tell Mrs. Brown everything about it, so stop worrying." I said and started walking out headed to my office, closing the door behind me.

I immediately grabbed my phone and started to digit Mrs. Brown's number, after a few seconds she finally picked up.

"Mrs. Brown." she said,
"Mrs. Brown, it's Jackson." I said while walking back and forth, massaging my temple with my free hand.
"Mr. Jackson, what can I do for you?" she replied, I sighed.
"I think we should argue about that stupid rule..." I started, "From now on, there is no more rules." I stated.
"But Mr. Jacks-" she said before I interrupted her,
"No, Mrs. Brown. I make my own rules, that's how I want it." I clearly said. There was silence for a while..
"It's about the new one, am I right? Mrs. Johnson..." she said in a calm tone, I gulped.
"So what?" I said, stopping in front of my desk.
"It's all up to you, Mr. Jackson ... if that's what you want, then okay. Let me know if you need anything else." she replied, I thanked her and ended the phone call.

Anastasia... she looked so scared, I need to talk to her and reassure her that everything is fine now. I called her on her phone she uses for work, and told her to come to my office, while I took a seat on my chair behind the desk.
After a few seconds I heard knocking on the door... it then opened and Anastasia came in, closing the door behind her. I signed her to come and sit in front of me, and she did.

"Anastasia... I'm so sorry for what happened earlier... everything is fine now, I talke-" I started but she interrupted me,
"Mr. Jackson. I think this was all a mistake... we were both well aware of the rule, and we broke it. I understand Mrs. Jackson, if she doesn't want me near you or your son, than so be it." she said, not looking in my eyes though... I felt something break inside of me, this can't be happening. I looked at her, but she kept avoiding my look.
"Look at me..." I whispered, after a few seconds her hazel-green eyes finally met mine. "Anastasia..." I whispered,
"Mrs. Johnson." she corrected me, while her lower lip started shaking, I gulped. I know she doesn't want all of this, I can clearly see that she was in pain.
"You don't have to do this..." I started, "I talked to Mrs. Brown... there is no more rules. I make the rules, remember?" I added almost whispering, a tear fell down her cheek as she looked away.
"It's okay, Sir... maybe it's better this way." she said in a cracked voice, "is there anything else you need?" she added while standing up and wiping away her tears. I was left speechless... I simply shook my head, and she immediately left my office while sobbing.

Please don't tell me that I've just lost her... I can't lose her.

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