Chapter 33

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May 20th, 1998
*Anastasia's POV*

Since I told Michael and my mom that I'm pregnant they both didn't say anything... they simply stood there, speechless. Yea.. I'm speechless too.

I sighed and walked back to the stretcher, laying down on it and taking a sip of my water again.
After a while the Doctor came back in, and greeted Michael and my mom, before walking closer to me.

"Mrs. Johnson... I see you have calmed down... I'd like to continue with what I was telling you earlier." he said while taking a seat on a chair next to me,
"There's more? You already told me that I'm 4 weeks pregnant. What else do I need to know?" I asked while looking at the Doctor.
"Mrs. Johnson... the last couple of days you have been through a big amount of stress... mentally and physically... you haven't been eating nor sleeping..." he started, so? "At the beginning of a pregnancy, stuff like that, could affect the baby... which means, that there is high risk for a spontaneous abortion..." he added. I was left speechless.
"What exactly are you trying to tell me?" I asked once again.
"That if you don't get proper rest and start eating normally again, you'll be going through a spontaneous abortion soon..." he said firmly. My mom covered her mouth with her hand and started crying, Michael had a worried-sad look... and I ... I felt worse than before.
"We are going to give you some medicine through IV now, to gain some strength again... but you really need to get some rest, mentally and physically, and start eating again, if you don't want to lose your child. Alright?" he said to me, I simply nodded.

He then put the IV and started giving me the medicine, before leaving the room. Michael gave my mom a look, and she nodded before walking out of the room, leaving me and Michael alone. There we go again...
He walked closer to me and sat down on a chair next to my stretcher. I tried to avoid eye-contact with him.

"It's okay... you don't have to look at me... I just need you to hear me out." he whispered, I really didn't have the strength to argue with him right now so I decided to remain silent. After a while of silence he started talking. "Listen... it's not like you think it was. Yes, I met with Lisa a couple of times, and yes I thought I wanted to get back with her after my divorce, but that was way before I met you." he started, I released a fake laugh. He really expect me to believe that shit? "You don't have to believe me, but it's the truth... once I met you, I changed my mind... and once I fell for you, you were the only thing I kept talking about, even with her. I guess she was just jealous because she really wanted to get back with me.. the last time we met I told her that I don't want to get back with her anymore, because I love you ... she got angry, and... well... she suddenly appeared five days ago because we didn't finish our conversation back then..." he added.

I sighed and finally looked over to him, that's when our eyes met again... his eyes were now watery. A tear rolled down my cheek...

"What do you expect me to do now?" I asked almost whispering,
"Forgive me..." he begged. I faked a laugh once again shaking my head and looking up at the ceiling.
"Forgive you, hm?" I said... "you're forgiven." I added.
"Really?" he asked with a little bit of excitement in his voice, I looked back to him.
"Yes. But that's it... don't expect me to get back with you... don't expect me to believe at all these things you just told me, cause I don't." I stated. "You hurt me..." I added before bursting out in a hysterical cry again.
"I know and I'm so sorry... I can't lose you, Anastasia." he whispered while tears started running down his cheeks as well, he tried to reach out for my hand, but I immediately moved my hand.
"There's just one thing that I want to know..." I whispered while wiping away my tears, before looking back at him. "Did you sleep with her?" I asked. I really don't want to know it, but I feel like I need to know... there was silence, he didn't respond. "Of course you did..." I whispered before looking at the ceiling again.
"It was before we started dating... officially..." he answered.
"But you did... we became close, you started to develop feelings for me, and instead of confessing your feelings you fucked your ex wife. You didn't want to begin a relationship with me before getting your divorce, but you could fuck Lisa while you were still married?" I snapped, I was now laughing and crying at the same time. I was angry. Furious. Hurt. Disappointed. But most of all... disgusted.

*Michael's POV*

I never heard her talk like that... but she's hurt and angry right now, she's vulnerable, I get it. I blame it all on me. She's right though... I didn't want to start a relationship with her before getting the divorce from Debbie, but I had sex with Lisa while I was still married. What she doesn't know is, that Lisa provoked me... I couldn't resist. I felt forced to do so... I know that it doesn't change the fact that it was a mistake of mine, but I'm only a human being...

"You're right... I'm sorry..." I whispered while wiping away my tears with the back of my hand. "Just know that I love you... I truly do. I never felt that kind of way ... not even with Lisa. You are special to me, Anastasia. But if you don't want to see me anymore, I'll respect your decision." I added before standing up. I looked at her one more time. "I just have one question..." I said, that's when she looked at me again. "What about ... the baby?" I asked with a shaky voice. She didn't respond..

"I-I don't know... I don't even know if I'm strong enough to-... you heard the Doctor, there's high risk that I'll have a spontaneous abortion any time soon.." she replied, while tears kept falling down her cheeks. I gently grabbed her hand, rubbing the back of it with my thumb.
"You are strong enough, Anastasia... I know that. You would've been an amazing mother to our child... and to Prince... and Paris. I would've taken care of you... I still would, if you let me." I whispered, while looking deep into her eyes. She was literally sobbing. I immediately embraced her in a hug, and I was shocked that she was letting me hug her... as soon as I held her tight inside my arms, she hugged me back and started sobbing loudly onto my chest, while I gently rubbed her back and placed a kiss onto her head.
"I love you Anastasia... I'm so sorry for everything..." I whispered while tears started running down my cheeks again.

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