Chapter 11: An Attack

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Dream sighed. No way in hell was this a good idea but Ink seemed all for it. Dream looked back up at the council. They wanted a spy.
And who did they want to send in?


They wanted to make Blue infiltrate the Dark Sanses and act as a spy for them.

"He's been so negative lately! That will make them buy it!" Edge called out.

"Yeah! He hasn't even left his room to come to a mandatory meeting!" Outer pointed out.

"Hey! He has left his room! In fact that is why he's not here! He's been through something extremely traumatic and you guys are mocking him!" Dream yelled at the clattering group of originals.
"I know... I know what happened" Ink had a nutetral expression on and Dream couldn't feel a single emotion behind it.
"Yeah!? And what happened!? You two have been refusing to tell anyone about it! Soooo~ what happened Ink?" Mafia yelled out.

"You don't want to know. Trust me." Lust said calmly. "He trusted me and let me know... I'm warning you. You do not want to know." He shot a look of pure hatred at Ink which caused Dream to frown.

How would Lust know anything about Ink?

"Phhtt- yeah right Lust! Like we're going to believe that! Ink just tell us!" Reaper taunted.

"Guys! If they don't want to tell you they don't want to tell you!" Classic radiated worry.

Dream felt a new presence but was to caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice who it was. The new person started talking and everyone started talking loudly. Too loud.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!!" Dream screamed.


Blue short cutted out of the forest with Nighmare. Well that didnt go as planned... He landed in the middle of a M.T.S or Meeting of The Stars.

"Hi...?" He said awkwardly, glitching a bit. At least it was his spot and not on top of the table like last time. Everyone started shouting at him. Blue thought for a moment. When was the last time he had attended one of these... 10 months ago... before Ink had done...

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!" Dream screamed, snapping Blue out of his thoughts before he went to far.

"Woah..." Classic looked at Dream and Ink, forgetting that Blue stood beside him. "Guys will you just tell us what happened!?"

Blue watched as Dream turned to look at Classic with tears in his eyes. "You want to know what happened so badly!? Okay! Here's food for thought!! BLUE WAS RAPED!! HE ENDED UP PREGNANT AND FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!! HE EVEN PICKED OUT A FUCKING NAME FOR THE LITTLE GIRL!! HELL! HE EVEN PAINTED A CORNER OF HIS ROOM PINK!! HE FUCKING LOVED HER!! THEN HE SUFFERED THE MISCARRIAGE OF THE ONE THING THAT WAS GIVING HIM A REASON TO FUCKING LIVE FOR DEITIES SA-." Dream paused when he saw Blue.

Blue stood there shocked. He watched as everyone turned and looked at him. Looking for a reaction.

Did Dream really just do that...? Just called him like that...? he felt something break a bit in his mind. Like a dam starting to crack, letting little sprays of water through.

He started to back away from the table shaking his head at Dream and glitching. He felt the familiar sting of tears.

"D-Dream... why would you, why would you just say that...?" Blue felt his breathing quickening as he stepped backwards against the wall and buffered. "Why- Why would you tell them..?"His ears began ringing with a high pitched noise. He tried to stop it. To slow his breathing. To do anything. He saw Dream stepping around the table towards him saying something, but it was muffled. Blue cowered away to the corner. His mind clouded. He forgot about everyone around him. All he could see was the walls of the cell. And Ink.
Ink stepped forward, arms outstretched toward Blue. A sick, sick grin on his face. He raised his hand as though he was going to strike Blue. Blue shot his hands up to cover his face.
"NO!!" He pulled his legs in as closely as possible, hiding the body that should have never been exposed. Should have never been seen. "PLEASE!! NO!!" Blue sobbed, fighting back the urge to crash. "PLEASE!! NOT AGAIN!!" He felt a hands on his arms and flinched. "Please!! It hurts! I don't like it!!" He felt himself about to crash and force himself not to, trying to keep his mind together. His head hurt so bad. He sobbed more. "P-please!..." he felt the hands gently pull his arm away from his face and to his side. He felt himself being picked up and sat back down the same hands which now held him tightly but comfortably. "P-please..."

He blinked. The cell and Ink were gone. One hand moved from his left shoulder to the back of his skull, lightly rubbing it. The other stayed on the back of his left ribs. He blinked again. His breathing was still fast and shaking.
Again he blinked. He saw blurry yellow with blurry orange lines. He brought up his left hand and grabbed at it. Fabric. He clutched the fabric in his hands, burrowing his face into it. There was a light kiss on the top of his skull. His ears slowly stopped ringing... a voice murmured little nothings in his ear.
"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. You're okay." It was Dream. " shhh shhhh, I've got you, your okay. It's okay." He felt Dream rocking the both of them slowly till Blue gained control of his own body and mind.
He moved his face out of Dreams cape that he still clutched tightly. He breathed in slowly and shakily.
"Are you okay now?" Dream whispered in his ear.
Blue whimpered and nodded, forcing himself off of Dream who stood with him.

Blue looked around and realized that he was being watched "I'm sorry... I didn't mean for that to happen..." he looked down at the feet that surrounded him. He felt a hand on his shoulders.

"It's okay. No one means for a PTSD attack to happen. It just does." Blue looked up at Classic who's eye-lights were off. Blue was pulled into a hug. "You did nothing wrong."

An Attack
Blue is crumbling from the inside
How will he ever love again?
Love conquers all

1058 words

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