Chapter 34: Not Enough

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"soo.. What did it say...?" Dust looked expectingly at Blue.

"watch your back, Nightmare. You're next."

All Hell broke loose in the lounge. Blue crumpled the paper and threw it a Dream before stuffing his face in Nightmares chest, covering his 'ears'.

Loud. Loud. Loud. Too loud

Error told everyone to shut up, and everyone just got louder, Blue couldn't even make sense of what they were saying. He whimpered, too loud.
Nightmare wrapped his tentacles around Blue protectively. "SHUT UP!"Nightmare's voice was corrupted and loud, but wrapped up in Nightmare's arms made it seem not that loud. The muffled voices quieted, "you're hurting him." His arms tightened, reassuring Blue. "You guys have seemed to forgotten that Blue just survived sitting in a closet for a month. He was in a silent room, with no one but ink as company. I'm sure just hearing you guys raise your voice is scaring him." He paused, "hmm?.."
Nightmare looked down at Blue who was hugging him
tighter. 'What's wrong?"

"I love you."

Night gave a true smile, "I love you too"

"what is it.?" Nightmare's face contorted with concern.


"oh!" Nightmare stood up, gently pulling Blue up with him.

Blue delicately stepped into the tub, letting the water rush down his broken figure. He glitched at the thought.


That is what he was, what people treated him as, and how he acted.


He had to act less broken... That way monsters would stop acting like he was broken... Even if he was.

He looked up, sockets closed, into the water splashing down on him, he rubbed his arms subconsciously. He felt his sockets sting and he squeezed them tighter. He needed to be stronger. He was a Dark Star for deities sake! He's been in the Stars for 6 years, and in the Dark Sanses for... How long...? A month? Two? And for what? He spent A month locked in a closet because he wasn't strong enough to escape.

He felt the tears leak from his shut sockets

He was such A crybaby. He needed to stop crying.

He looked down at the water going down the drain... It was rusty red. He looked at his hands which were gently rubbing his arms, dried blood coming off on his arms. He grabbed the soap and a loofah working up a hard lather.

Get the blood and Ink's touch of of you. He thought, vigorously scrubbing his arms and legs. He needed to get everything off, dried cum and blood alike.

When he was done scrubbing the Hell out of his body he realized just how badly he scratched himself. Deep cuts that would leave scars, he questioned how in the multiverse he did that... But then again, his distals were cut as well.
He only glanced at his legs but he still winced. Bruised and scraped.


It's a wonder he's able to stand at all...

He sat in the rushing water feeling his adrenaline from escaping finally wearing off and winced at the pain that started to appear, making it apparent that Blue was not going to be able to actually stand for awhile.

Ink skimmed over the pages.

Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?!

Find it.

I'm trying!

He whimpered as Fate stabbed at him again.

What was he looking for? A curse, and a cure.

Why? Cause that's what Fate wants. He already found the Cure, but the curse, that was a different story.

Ink started to tear up and flung the book across the room grabbing the next one.

Using Corruption Magic

This one looked promising. Ink flipped the pages, finding what he needed almost immediately.

Why didn't you check that one out before?

Pile. I was going through the pile.


To corrupt any god you need the leaves of feeling.

Ink looked at one of the vials tied to his sash.

Rotten leaves.

Rotten leaves from the dead tree of feelings.

He looked back at the other book he had open on the table. The one with the cure. Then at the other vial tied to his sash. It glowed a soft gold. He pulled it off.

A piece of soul, and it wasn't just anyone's..

Dream watched the flickering soul, fear griping his own. Not to mention the pain he had originally thought came from his stab wound was not fading in the slightest. He thought back to what Dust had said a little less than a month ago,

"I can't heal that." Dust looked at the wound, carefully touching it. "It's to deep... and the baby... Its to dangerous to use healing magic on an unborn child or the carrier... I'm sorry Dream its going to need to heal on its own. The best I can do is stabilize it and maybe keep it from getting infected."

He was brought back from his mind by the little soul completely going out. "Palette!" It was still there, just, not glowing like a normal soul.

Dream stood and rushed to Lust, shirtless and scared to death. "We need to go to Sci!

Lust without asking made a portal and Dream jumped through with Lust right behind him.

They stepped into Sci's office, Fell was leaning over the counter flirting with Sci who was trying to ignore him. He wasn't doing a good job, you could probably see his greenish blue blush from a mile away.  (totally not me thinking of the Christmas Party comic that started my obsession with Underverse.)

Dream saw a flicker and looked down at Palette. Oh Hope oh Hope oh Hope! Dont let this be his end Hope! He prayed to the deity. The tiny soul was flickering again, fighting against death.
Lust was talking to the frantic and scared skeleton, which was doing little good.

"deities! Your a mess! Dream! What is going on! Everyone has been so confused and concerned about you! Not to mention Blue has been missing for a month!" He stepped around the counter, Fell following behind Sci who was rushing to the group. He faltered when he saw the knife wound and the flickering soul. "By Fate's tits! Dream! What happened!!??"

"Palette. Help Palette." Dream whispered. A familiar numb feeling pushed down on him, forcing him to give up the negative emotions. They were too strong. sure he could feel them... They just couldn't be this strong. And that is why he hadn't torn apart the multiverse to find Blue, he couldn't. he hadn't had the energy. Now he didn't have the energy to stand.

this is what happens, he chided himself. Positive equals energy, negative equals sleepy night night.

"Dream! Your eye lights are dull."

Dream nodded wearily. "I know.
...Palette..." Dream murmured.

Sci gently led Dream into one of random rooms in the office. "sit."
Dream sat on the bed table like thing in the corner of the room.

Exam table. He thought.

"Dream? Can you hear me.?" Sci asked. His voice sounded unreal and far away but Dream nodded. " I need to check your soul. Can you pull it out for me?" He shook his head, he knew he would be unable to, he was on the verge of passing out and pulling it out himself would just cause him to faint faster. So Sci did it himself.

He shut his sockets and shivered, the feeling of his soul leaving his magic composed body.

He heard Sci and Lust gasp before he pasted out.

Love conquers all.

1236 words

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