Chapter 31: Six Years Ago

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Ink paced nervously around the room. He glanced in the mirror. His black tux looked good... But what if something went wrong?!

"Ink! Chill You look great! This will go great." Fell was following ink around with a bow tie, "just stop moving! I need to tie this!" Fell's voice faded with inks vision. He froze. He stood in the black.

Ah~ here you are... I found you~

Ink blinked to find that the bow was around his neck and Fell was dusting of the top jacket.

"you look great ink. Stop fretting!" Fell grinned, his golden tooth gleaming.

"you're not the one marrying Dream." Ink stated.

"True. But still! You love him, right?' Outer asked from the corner.

"of course I do!" Ink stared at Outer in shock, "why would you think otherwise?! Am I doing something wrong!?"

"No! No! calm down! All Dream could possibly want from a person is Love! If you love him then prove it!' Fell said.

Ink grinned at Fell's and Outer's Peptalk. "Thanks guys, this is why you are the best men."

"well Dream chose Blue first so-" Fell chuckled.

"hey!" Ink shouted playfully. He glanced at the clock. People would start showing in a few minutes. "Crud! We need to get out there!"

There was a knock at the door, "Ink? You okay dear?" Dream asked from the door.

"yea! Wait! Dont come in here! Its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!" Ink squeaked as the door opened and he hid his face.

'Dream!" Blues voice said scoldingly."he's already nervous! You're only going to make it worse!"
Blue giggled.

Dream laughed, to Ink he might as well have been an angel.

The light faded again.

You will not escape this again~

The light came back again.

"Ink you can look, he's gone." Fell said
ink looked up to see flowing white fabric disappearing out of sight by the door frame.

'you are so cute when you act like that." Dream said from down the hall. Ink squeaked and looked back at the mirror. His face was a bright blushing rainbow.

Fell snorted. "Lets just go." Fell himself was in a deep red tux. Outer was in a more purple tux.

Fell dragged Ink out of the room to put him in his place while Outer grabbed a satin pillow.

Dream giggled like a kid. He looked back up at the mirror. He couldn't stop smiling. His dress was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Long and elegant, but it was also flowing and graceful. A bit of an off white, gold trimming, and pearly.

"You look beautiful Dream." Blue said, fixing the veil that flowed behind Dream. Blue may have been 12 but he liked the idea of being able to be a brides maid.

'y-yea!" Mirror sans said from behind Blue.

Mirror walked in front of Dream and grabbed his hands. Dream automatically looked down, knowing Mirror didn't like to looked at.

"you do know you don't have to come up front right?" Dream asked.

'you can look at me." Mirror said. "I want you to"

Dream looked up, Mirror gleaned, reflecting Dreams reflection, only for a moment then his form flickered turning into Dream, dress and all.
"see? You look beautiful." Mirror said. "And I know. I want to. I just can't look at anyone."

"Like Echo? Blue said with a smirk, seeing Mirror blush as he looked away from Dream turning back to normal. Mirror was also wearing a dress. A pearly dark blue one that had long oversized sleeves which covered his hands. It came with a matching hood if he ever felt uncomfortable.

Blue was wearing a blue dress similar to Mirror's only lighter in color, more puffy, no hood, and smaller.

Blue was tiny.

Dream giggled again and patted Blue on the head.

The church bells chimed. The wedding was to start soon. Dream felt his smile grow bigger as Blue jumped to flip the veil over Dreams face. "why- must- you- be- so tall!" Blue whined when he finally got it.

Dream giggled again.

Blue was cute.

"I am actually quite short compared to others. Like Mirror. He is taller than me."

"Ink isn't!" Blue said with a grin.

"well... I suppose not." Dream smiled.

Blue's smile dropped. "who's the flower girl?"

"you silly! And Fell is the ring holder. You two are going to walk in from of me and take your place on the stage. You do know that Fell is only 14 right?"

"Wait! What! I thought he was older!" Blues face started turning blue with a blush.

So, Blue had a crush. Dream giggled again.

"Also, I thought I was a brides maid!"

"you are! You're both! Only you are young enough to be the flower girl and yet still mature enough to be a brides maid. Not to mention the fact that you like wearing dresses."

"who's walking you down the isle?" Blue asked, finding the basket of flower petals. He threw a small handful to test it and did a small smile.

Dreams smile however dropped for the first time that day. When he was younger, he had always thought that Nightmare would walk him down the isle...

Because Nightmare...

Was all Dream had.

Dream suddenly felt like something bad was going to happen.

"Dream?" Blue looked up at Dream with a worried look.

"hmm? Oh! I'm walking myself, I won't have someone."

"oh." Mirror whispered, "you wanted your brother."

Dream nodded holding back tears. Dream felt someone hug him. He looked down to find Blue hugging him with his face stuffed in his skirt.

Ink waited nervously at the altar, Haven stood beside him, behind the stand. He was the priest.

"relax man. You'll be fine." Haven reassured.

Ink only nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

the music started with Blue walking down with a basket of flowers, gently tossing them in front of him. Fell followed behind with a pillow. The rings were both simple gold bands, both were engraved with the shape of a forget-me-knot. One had Dreams name on the inside, the other had Ink.
Ink gasped as he saw Dream. Joy spiked through him as he realized this was actually happening. Tears of joy threatened to fall as he watched the love of his life walk down the isle.

He was beautiful.

Love conquers all

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