Chapter 53: Notice Her

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Horror followed Aliza through the faded purple halls that led to the old home. Toriel was standing at the base of the stairs, her hands wringing. When she saw Aliza she jumped up.

"Child! Oh small child, are you okay?" Her grip looked desperate and strong, her nails digging into Aliza's shoulders.

"I'm okay Mom," she whispers, "Undyne is prowling Sownden and... I found someone." she looked over her shoulder at Horror and his family. "Well.. a few someones."

Toriel let go of Aliza and took Flowey, heading up the stairs. Aliza watched her then turned to Horror the moment Tori was out of sight, "Sans you know the rules, did you explain them to your... friends?"

Horror jolted like he had been electrocuted, "Right," he looked at Dust and Killer, "Dust, I need you to hold on to Insanity," he passed the child carefully, hefting the axe again. "Rules, never accept food from Toriel, if she offers, make an excuse because there is something wrong with it. Never offer food to Paprika, he'll be scared and unsure, he will think that you need it more, no matter what you tell him. If you keep trying to get him to eat it he will break down. Never waste food. Which means, no cooking Killer and please, do not drop anything. It will cause reactions from everyone that is less than favorable."

Aliza gently walked around Horror to see Killer and Dust. "Sans, who are your friends? Who is the child...? ... where have you been? It's been years. The core is falling apart and Undyne is only getting worse... you'd think she would get tired of taking all the food from her kingdom..." Aliza trailed off before straightening. "Sans, I need you to promise me you wont get upset."

Horror looked down at Aliza. She was much taller than he remembered. He guessed it was made since though, he left not too long after she fell. She was 12 when she fell, and he hasn't been back since... since Blue joined... 5 years ago. "Aliza... how old are you...?" he trailed off, if he was right Aliza was 17.

"17, but you didn't answer my question. I need you to promise me that you won't freak out."

"Why...?" Horror got a very bad feeling sinking in his spine. Aliza glared at him but it held fear, but fear in her eyes was normal. "Fine. I won't freak out. What happened?"

"... there's another human here. She says her name is Frisk and that she knew you. But... if it's the Frisk you used to talk about, I kinda doubt you want to talk with her."

"Frisk...?" he breathed, setting the axe down. "Blue and purple shirt...?" he asked.

Aliza nodded reluctantly, "I don't know how she's alive, the Surface became inhabitable years ago.. she fell down 2 years ago, momma seemed to recognize her and welcomed them into the house."

Horror stayed calm, true to his word but both Dust and Killer flinched at the mention of Frisk.

"Daddy...?" Insanity prodded at Dust when he flinched, "okay?" he turned his tiny cracked head towards Horror, "Papa, Daddy scared."

"I know kid," Horror whispered.

"... Sans, is the child yours...?" Aliza asked quietly.

Horror gently hugged Dust, holding Insanity between them, he nodded with a small growl before pulling the frozen Killer into the hug too. "This is my Family Aliza and I refuse to let anyone hurt them."

Aliza smiled softly, nodding before saying something else, "I would be careful with the child around Momma, she might think he's human and try to keep him from you." she turned and headed towards the stairs.

Horror nodded, taking Killer's hand again while Dust grabbed his sweater.

Horror gulped as he followed Aliza up the stairs. She was so much like her mother. She may lack the Determination Soul of her mother but she sure was determined.

Every step she takes, the way she holds herself as she walks, her smile, her eyes, her hair...

She was so much like her mother.

No one would ever notice the small things that signified her monster heritage.

The way her skin looked ever so slightly translucent when hit with light just the right way, the way her left eye flicked when she was truly scared, the way her dress flowed around her so gently, the way she seemed untouched by temperature, the way she could walk barefoot and not feel a thing.

No one would ever notice that she was half monster.

Aliza stiffened slightly as she made it to the top step but she didn't freeze, instead she kept walking, going towards the hallway on the right.

When Horror saw why she stiffened he froze.

She stood with a slice of pie in her hands, her golden eyes trained on Horror with surprise.

"...Sans..." she whispered, then she saw Dust and Killer and the tiny toddler who had quickly fallen asleep in Dust's arms. "Sanses..."

Horror got over his surprise quickly, pushing past her and leading Dust and Killer to the right hall.

Aliza had Flowey wrapped around her waist, his golden petals and singular eye watching Horror and Frisk with an eyebrow that showed worry.

"Sans wait!" She cried, her hand grabbing his sweater.

He turned and swatted her hand away from him. "Don't 'Sans wait!' Me, because when I said 'Frisk wait!' You didn't even stop. You walked straight through that barrier with out a fucking problem!" He shouted at her, his anger boiling up again. He took a breath through his nasal cavity, letting it out through his mouth. He let out a growl like sigh and turned back to Dust and Killer.

"Sans wait... please? We had something..."

His eyes widened at that. He saw Killer and Dust look at him in confusion and worry.

He spun facing Frisk, towering over her. "Oh we had something alright! And you walked away with her!" He growled as he thought about what could've happened, before he remembered what he had now. His anger dissipated.

He huffed, turning his back on Frisk and following Aliza to her room, leading Killer and Dust back there.

Not caring about the tears that had streaked his face.

Notice Her
Love Conquers All



1045 words

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