Chapter 39: Narcolepsy

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Horror lunged forwards, catching Dust as he toppled from the bar stool. He looked down at the skeleton that had pasted out a bit concerned to say the least.

Dust was narcoleptic so him randomly passing out wasn't unusual but it was definitely worrisome for Horror. It was like Dust spun a wheel in his mind randomly and if it landed of 'sleep' he'd sleep, weather he was walking outside, taking a shower, or in the middle of a conversation. Like now, he was talking with Horror and he fell of the stool in a narcoleptic fit.

Something fell out of Dust's pocket. Horror pulled Dust up a bit, making it so he could carry him with one arm and he picked up the little box with the other, gently holding it with his clawed hand. He looked at it in confusion for a second before turning around and shortcutting to his room.

He set Dust in the bed with the little box on the nightstand. He really wanted to know what was inside but resisted the urge to open it. Instead he emptied Dust's pockets finding another box. He again had to fight the temptation to open them.

It wasn't hard to keep himself from looking, they were, after all, Dust's property. If Dust wanted him to know what they were he would tell him... right...?

He shook his head, trying to shake that thought from his mind. Dust wouldn't hide things... he didn't hide his hallucinations about his brother... he wouldn't hide things. No need to worry. 

Horror looked over at Dust as the sleeping skeleton's face contorted with fear. His body twitched as he tried to force himself back to reality. Horror instantly new what was happening and gently took his hand. Sleep paralysis was a symptom of narcolepsy and Dust often had episodes one after the other.

"It's okay Dusty... I'm right here..." his thumb caressed the back of his hand, carefully holding his thumb in a way that kept his claw from cutting him.

Dust bolted upright, gasping for air.

"What was it this time...?" Horror tilted his head to the side as he scooped Dust up into his lap as he sat on the bed.

"Suffocation and the 'presence'..." he shuddered and leaned into Horror. Horror hummed and rested his jaw on Dust's skull.

"I love you H..." Dust said sleepily, probably having another fit.

"I love you too Dusty." And with that Dust fell asleep again. Horror sighed closing his eyes.

He heard the door squeak a bit as it was opened. He opened an eye socket to peek at the new person in the doorway.

Killer stood there looking at Dust with a familiar concerned look. "Another fit?" He asked as he walked in.

Horror whined and nodded. Killer shuffled onto the bed, sitting in between Horror and the wall. He leaned his head on Horror's shoulder, staring at to Dust.

Dust worried everyone, his narcolepsy acted up randomly and Dust had to be extremely careful when around large bodies of water or anything that could possibly kill him if he fell asleep.

Killer pulled up his shirt a bit, the glowing red of his ecto showed. He stared at the flouting soul that was beating strongly in the middle.

"He's going to be fine Killer, and even if he does happen to inherit the narcolepsy, he has us to care for him. Okay?" Horror said sweetly. He kissed Killer's skull.

"But what if he gets hurt? What if Ink-." Killer stopped himself before he could say something terrifying.

"If he gets hurt he will be fine. All kids get hurt."

Killer's face went blank. "Not us."

"Sure we do-."

"We're adults now. When we were kids we couldn't get hurt... well... you couldn't. At least you remember if you did or not..."

Dust shifted, "is something wrong, Killz..?" His voice sounded tired.

"Huh..? Oh... I was just worrying about things that haven't even happened yet... nothin' to worry about Dusty..." Killer looked at Dust who was blinking wearily, "how you feeling..?"

"I'm fine..." Dust whispered. He stuck his hand in his pocket before his eyes widened. "Where's the boxes!?" He bolted up and twisted around to find them on the bedside. "Oh deities..." he put at hand in his soul area and grabbed the boxes. "... did you look at them...?"

Horror shook his head with a lifted brow.  "It's yours. I was going to open that."

Dust let out a sigh of relief before his head turned a bit, as if he was listening to something. He looked down with a light blush but the look immediately was followed up by one of Determination.

Dust got off of Horror's lap, sitting on his knees in front of him and Killer.

He quickly looked in the boxes out of Horror and Killer's sight. Horror tilled his head slightly and looked at Killer who met his eyes with the same curiosity.

"..." Dust was suddenly looking a bit flustered, his face dusted in a dull purple blush. He opened the boxes and held one in each hand as he held them out to Horror and Killer. "I know this not typically the way it's done... but..." he let out a breath as he seemed to steel his nerves. He flipped the boxes so they face Horror and Killer. "I felt like this was the right time."

Horror felt his face flush and his eyes widen. Rings. They held rings. The one held out to Horror held simple blood red diamond while the one held out to Killer was a ebony black diamond.

"I know that our lives have been chaotic lately with Ink and everything he has done, but I love you I always will, so I want to spend the rest of my life with you..."

Horror couldn't take his eyes off of Dust as he felt them prick. Was this really happening? Horror couldn't believe it. He almost wanted to pinch himself to make sure he hadn't fell asleep when Dust had.

"So... I have to ask..." Dust looked determined and hopeful as he looked between Killer and Horror.

"Will you marry me?"

Love conquers all

1035 words

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