Chapter 49: Shattered Thoughts

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"I'm sorry Blue..."

Nightmare lunged at Ink, batting the vial out of Inks hands. He jumped off of Inks face and tried to grab the bottle only to grab it too hard and shatter it in his hand while in midair.

He didn't mind though as he intended to drink it and regain his power. He accidentally swallowed some glass, not that it could do much, as he fell through the air.

Dream watched with an 'O' shaped mouth.

One small drop.

No one noticed.

One small dot.

No one noticed.

Dream's open mouth.

No one noticed.


Nightmare landed gracefully on his newly acquired tentacles, picking Blue and Dream up and running.

Dream didn't have much of a response which should have worried Nightmare but he was too focused on getting out of there that he hadn't noticed.

His goop, oddly enough, created his normal wear. Not surprising.

He jumped through a portal and landed in the mansion. He dumped Dream with his boyfriend and hugged Blue tightly.

"Are you okay..?" Blue whispered.

"Y-yea... I... that was nothing compared to what you had." Nightmare whispered.

"Are you sure?" Blue asked, worry evident in his voice. His hand was on Nightmares cheek bone.

"I'm fine!" Nightmare said earnestly, taking Blue's small hand into his own. "I'm okay, really." He said gently, pulling Blue into another hug. He kissed him gently on the forehead, sending waves of relief into the room.

The entire room visibly relaxed. Except one person.


Dream snapped up. Where did that come from?

From me.

A short reply said. Dream visibly froze.

Who are you?


No, who are you!?

Dream was starting to internally panic. Who was this person? It wasn't Nightmare, he was too busy calming Blue. But the aura felt similar. But not. It felt like his own. But not. It felt dark and toxic but positive at the same time.

Toxic positivity... hmmm

Dream jumped again, the voice sounded similar to his own but richer... more... dark. More evil.

Who are you!?

I am you. 

No you obviously aren't. Who are you!?

That is none of your concern.

Yes it is! You are in my head! Get out!

I think I'll stay a while.

Then the pressure of the aura was gone and Dream snapped back to reality. He blinked and looked up to several concerned faces.

"Angel?" Lust asked carefully.

"Hmm? What happened?"

"Dream you passed out. Like fainted." Blue whispered.

"I-...oh....?" Dream didn't know what to say, he himself had not a clue what happened. He had a feeling he didn't want to talk about the voice.

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