Chapter 27: Moral of the Story

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(Play the song, this chapter may or may not be cringy... I've had this idea in my head since I began writing this soo-)

Piano music blasted through the room, and Dream let his fake smile fall.

"Ready...?" Lust mouthed, pointing at Sic who gave a confused look and a thumbs up.

Dream and Lust had pulled Sic aside before Blue showed up and asked him to play a song through the sound system.

Dream stepped back from the table. Every one looked at him and either gasped or gave wide eyes.

Dream looked like shit.

"So I never real knew you..." Dream started singing with the song. "Deities I really tried to. Blind sighted, addicted..."

Dream saw Blue move behind him, something glinting black in his hand. He didn't pay attention to it though.

"Thought we could really do this... but, really I was foolish... hindsight it's obvious..."

Blue was stunned. Was Dream standing up for himself!?

"Talking with my Brother, he said 'where'd you find this guy... I said 'young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes'"

He stepped forward rubbing his arms.

"Some mistakes get made that alright, that's okay. You can think that you're in love, when you're really just in pain."

Dream turned to Blue.

"Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay. In the end it's better for me, that's the moral of the story, babe."

He turned to Ink, Blue started to grin, this may actually work. Sure everyone looked a little confused right now but soon they will understand.

"It's funny how a memory, turns into a bad dream, when running wild... turns volatile." He grabbed Inks had and held them, staring into his eye sockets with a smile.

"Remember how we painted our house? Just like our friends did, so romantic," his smile turned into a growl. "But we fought the whole time... should have seen the signs." He threw Inks hands down and turned to the judges.

"Well, talking with my Mother, she said 'where'd you find this guy?' I said 'some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes."

He glared at Ink.

"Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay. You can think that you're in love when you're really just in pain. Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay. In the end it's better for me, that's the moral of the story, babe."

He turned back to the originals, and Blue noticed he didn't have his gloves or detached sleeves on.

"They say it's better to have loved then lost, than to never have loved at all. That could be a load of shit. But I just need to tell you all..."

He grabbed the hem of his hood and pulled it off, revealing the numerous injuries in his ribs and arms, along with his unborn child.

"Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay. You can think that you're in love, when you're really just in pain... some mistakes get made that's alright, that's okay. In the end it's better for me, that's the moral of the story..."

He suddenly summoned his bow and arrows, immediately pointing and knocking one, aiming at Ink. Tears glittered on Dreams cheeks as he fired, Ink dodging.

"Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay! You can think that you're in love, when you're really just in pain!"

Blue watched as suddenly, golden chains flickered into view, dragging Dream to his knees and forcing him to drop his bow. It desummoned in mid air, leaving Dream defenseless.

"Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay, I'm the end it's better for me, that's the moral of the story." Ink finished what Dream was saying, pulling on the delicate looking chains causing Dream to choke.

Blue stared at the scene in horror as Ink lunged for Lust and himself, but Blue jumped back to fast. Ink growled, creating a portal and flinging Dream and Lust through and disappearing himself from the meeting.

As soon as he was gone, the room erupted in chaos.

Too loud...

They suddenly bombarded him with questions about the Bad Sanses and backed him up into a wall. Blue freaked and squeezed the slime as hard as he could.

A portal opened behind him and he fell through before Nightmare could jump into it.

Nightmare immediately closed it as soon as Blue fell through.

"What happened!?" Nightmare asked, gently picking up Blue with his tentacles.

"Dream- he... stood up for himself... ish. That was until Ink literally put him in chains...."

"Chains...?" Killer asked from on top of Horror. He was for some reason eating pickles. And chocolate. Gross. But he seemed to be enjoying it so Blue didn't say anything.

"Yea! Like gold chains! They seemed to have came out of nowhere... but it was connected to his ring... and it wrapped around his neck, his knees, and hands... pulled him to the ground before Dream could physically hurt Ink."

"That's... disturbing..." Nightmares muttered before sitting up rigidly. "Where is that coming from...?" Nightmare muttered to himself.

"Where is what coming from...?"


"Negativity... and a lot of it."

"STOP!" Dream screamed. It was blood curdling and horse.

"You brought this upon yourself, Dream." Ink said.

"No, no, Ink, stop, that is your child! Ink!" Lust cried.

Dream and Lust were chained to opposite walls of a cell and Ink crouched above Dream with a knife. The tip resting sharply on Dream's slightly bloated stomach.

Dream started down at the tip, which had already drawn a bead of blood, unmoving and fearful. Lust stared in horror. ... he needed to draw Nightmare's attention... surely this was already...

"Ink. Please... don't do this." Lust was straining against his chains, trying to get Inks attention, who had his back to him facing Dream.

Ink pushed a little harder with the knife causing Dream to yelp.

"YOU CAN USE ME!" Lust screamed. He knew what Ink wanted. A toy. A person to toy with. "Just, don't hurt them..."

Ink turned his head to look at Lust. "Oh really~?" Ink asked hardly looking at him, more like through him. He grinned, a sick dark smile sneaking through his face.

He stared at Lust. Then, without warning or looking away, he pushed the knife straight through Dream's stomach.

Blood splattered Inks face.

Moral of the Story
Blue is frightened
Nightmare is disturbed
Lust is fighting for life
Dream is unknown.
Love conquers all

1072 words

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