Chapter 50: Jealousy

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Dream bolted up.

His arm hurt.

His arm burned.

Dream was breathing heavily. He felt heat flash through him and he collapsed back on the bed, clutching his ulna and radius. He whimpered feeling sick to his soul.

Something was wrong.

Oh yes, I believe so.

Dream bolted up again, ignoring the wave of nausea. "Who are you!? ... you were in my sleep... weren't you?" He whispered.

Yes yes, that. You're fine.

"What did you do...?" Dream whispered. He pulled off his glove and detached sleeve.

He's gasped.


His right ulna and radius... they were black and goopy.

This didn't make any sense! Why was this happening!?

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Dream cried. He felt panic rise up in him and he tumbled off the bed. Heat flashed through his body as he lay on the floor. He felt like something was in his throat.

Something was wrong. He felt sick. So sick.

He felt that feeling in his throat rise and he started coughing. He brought his hands to his mouth to cover. But the feeling wasn't going away. He kept coughing, eventually it became an uncontrollable fit.

When he was finally able to breathe his hands came back with black speckles all over his golden yellow gloves.

(My this looks familiar. Oh well, doubt anyone will notice. Cough cough babtqftim cough cough babitim cough cough)

"What the..." he trailed off. He shakily stood, the weird sick feeling fading. He covered his arm and cleaned the black goo off his hands. He opened his door to get some fresh air when he noticed Blue running up the hall.

"Dream!" He was holding something in his hands, "I need you to wear this, no questions." He shoved the white fabric into Dreams hand and ran away again.

"Wha-?" Dream muttered, looking down at the white shirt. He shrugged, closing the door and taking off his scarf and cardigan.

He shifted through Lusts clothing, stealing a pair of jeans and his zip up. He slipped the shirt on and stared at it,

Multiverse's Greatest Uncle
If you can read this
Don't say anything

The back said:

1 & 2

With a drawing of two tiny souls on the back.

Dream chuckled. So this was Blues way of an announcement. He was probably trying to see how many would notice.

He slipped the sleeveless zip-up on, keeping his own detached sleeves on his arms.

No one could know.

Why not?

"Because you're a fucking parasite. And my friends don't need to know that I'm being leached off of. Especially after just getting Nightmare back."


"Yes, my Brother." Dream muttered. He didn't know why he was talking to the voice in his head.

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