Chapter 51: Ignorance

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Damn, sorry this one took so long to get out. Shits been going on lately and you haven't had the motivation.

Ink froze.

It was there.

Barely for a second.

But he felt it.

A new presence.

A godly presence.

Nightmare landed almost gracefully from his flip. His tentacles shot out, grabbing Blue and Dream and He took off leaving Ink standing in the cell hall.

Ink didn't even try to stop them. Fate got what she wanted after all.

A protector.

Someone or something to hide her existence from anyone who was willing to help Ink.

He thought vaguely of the young human who was unlike any Frisk or Chara he'd ever met. She was kind enough to talk to him, knowing what he did.

He shook his head. She couldn't help him. She didn't even exist in this plain of existence.

Laughter rang through Inks head. It was cold and malicious. It was dark and more like a cackle than a laugh.

No one can save you now Ink.

Her voice whispered. He jumped as it sounded like it was directly in his ear.

Suddenly the world tipped around him as it settled in his mind.

No one could help him.

He was trapped.

He didn't even realize how much he had hoped for salvation until now as he felt it crumble to dust, scattering in the wind.

His knees buckled, crumpling to the ground. Tears flooded his sockets as he curled up on his side. His vision blurred as the gravity truly sank into his mind.

He was alone.

Being a being without a soul, without emotion, it's surprising how much he could 'Feel' in a sense.

He knew that he loved Dream. Without his vials he could feel that. And with it, being without Dream felt like it was slowly chipping away at his bones. But when he thought about what he did, a cold dark feeling crashed down on him. He always thought of guilt. Guilt was another feeling that wasn't actually given by the vials. He could place it under a mixture of sadness and fear, but it was never an actual feeling. But then he would simply think about all the fun things he did with Dream. Picnics, watching movies, or even simply snuggling. His guilt would lift slightly and in its place would be a warm fuzzy feeling that Ink often guessed was joy.

It shocked him he could feel things like this. He'd never been able to before. It was confusing to say the least.

He sat up, ignoring the new pain that blossomed in his chest and stood up, Fate still laughing loudly.

He shook his head, ignoring the loud laughter ringing through his head. He trudged up and out of the chamber, collapsing on the couch.

A sound he didn't warrant fled from his mouth, a low, wet, gurgle. A sob. He ignored as Fate mocked him. He sobbed desperately and uncontrollably, begging for Fate to let him go.

You wanted my attention. You got it. Now you don't want my attention? To bad.

Ink sobbed, laying on the couch. His eye sockets drifting closed.

Dream, I can make this a reality~

His voice purred in Dreams mind. Everything felt fevered and false as he watched the scene.

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