Chapter 43: Relapse

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Nightmare was gone. Just vanished. In the blink of an eye he was gone.

Blue yelped as he was suddenly dumped on the couch, a piece of paper landing on his face. He sat up, looking at the thing.

I told you to watch your back.

His eyes widened with fear, his breath hitching. Terror and panic began to rise from within him as memories he had long since stuffed on the shelves fell from their places. His breathing quickened as he glitched uncontrollably. Things around him went blurry, Dream worriedly trying to snap his attention, Pj asking where Nightmare had gone with confusion on his face, The MTT looking at each with fearful understanding as Killer held their child tightly, everything went blurry. They melted together as Blue slipped off the couch and onto the floor, their voices muffled and confusing. The broken yellows and blues Blue could see melded into the hard grays and blackness of the closet, The voices turning in to high pitched noise.

His soul palpitated as a broken rainbow colored figure stood before him.



"Admit it! You like this!"

"You're such a slut."

"Stupid whore."

"You're so weak."

"This is your fault."

"Your fault."

Your fault.

"N-no..." Blue whimpered, had it all been a dream, a hallucination? Was he still in the closet?

He looked down at his wrist, the (wrongly blue colored) purple chains and shackles on them. His body was broken and bleeding.

"No no no no..." Blue whispered, looking up at the figure. He refused to place a name to the familiar being, knowing full well who they were but refusing to acknowledge it.

He scooted back, trying to get away from the figure as it approached. His back hit the wall, cold and hard against his spine. Everything hurt as he moved but he didn't care, he brought his knees to his chest, turning his body so that his legs touched the wall too and scooted into the corner.

His breathing was fast and broken, shaking horribly as his glitched and buffered nonstop. Tears formed in his eyes at the figure continued to approach.

Your fault

Your fault

Your fault






Your fault.

You like this, don't you?

Blue slapped his hands against his ears. Covering them like a kid as the tears streamed down his face. "No! No no no!!" He screamed, and sobbed.

Everything was fake. Nightmare didn't happen, Insanity didn't happen, Lust and Dream didn't happen, freedom and safety never happened. His mind played a trick. He fell asleep and his mind hurt him.

The figure was standing directly in front of Blue. He sobbed brokenly as they crouched.

"No... please..." Blue whispered, he felt like he was going to crash but he willed himself not too, knowing that he would be in excruciating pain when he came too.

The figure raised a hand and Blue looked away with a whimper, placing his face in his knees waiting for it to slap or kick him.


Nothing happened.

He sniffed and opened his eyes, still hiding his face in his knees.

Dim Light filtered through his pants and his looked up, more tears making their way down his cheekbones.

His friends sat and stood around him, each one with a face of worry. He reached out and touched Dream's knee, making sure this was real.

He gasped of relief and sobbed, not holding back his feelings and wailed as he fell sideways and clung to Dream.

"I-." He took a shaky breath, "I want nightmare..." he whispered, clinging to Dream. He whispered his name like saying it would bring him back. He wanted to open his eyes and see Nightmare reaching for him to hold him.

That was all he wanted right now.

To be in Nightmare's arms. He didn't care if he was sobbing, he wanted Nightmare.

He needed Nightmare.


But Nightmare wasn't there...

He sobbed harder and clutched Dreams scarf, hiding his face in it.

What did he do to deserve this?

He though back to all the times he failed in his job, people dying, people crying for help, and him powerless to help.

The human.

Run after run.

All the times he failed in turning the human around, all the times he failed to prevent his friends from hurting, all the times Papyrus blamed him for his problems...

Every little detail he failed to see flooded his mind after the question.

He did deserve it.

He deserved everything that happened, every time Ink hurt him, the lost of his nameless child, and even that wasn't enough to pay for his failures. No, he had to pay with the ones around him, Dream and Lust, the loss of Pallet, and now... Nightmare. He was losing those closest to him because of his failures.

The only problem was none of them deserved what happened, only Blue did.

He was hurting his friends by being near them.

This was his fault, everything was his fault...

He had stopped crying as he was lost in his train of thought, Dream rubbing his arm comfortingly.

He sniffed and looked up, his face blank. He pushed himself off of Dream and stood up.

He stared at the ground, refusing to look up. "I am very sorry, this is all my fault." He whispered, then rushed away, heading for his and Nightmares room.

He grabbed a shoulder bag, filling it with G and first aid crap. He went to change his clothing, taking off his shirt, when he noticed something was different.

He looks around the room, there was a soft cobalt glow around him.

He looked down at his shirtless body. He was still glowing. He lifted a skeletal brow and looked over at the mirror. Nothing unusual about his ectoplasm, well, other than the fact that it was still there.

He growled and desummoned it.

He went into the closet, throwing on different clothes and grabbed his bag.

He was about to make a portal when he felt a biting pain where his uterus would have been if his feminine body was summoned.

He gasped in pain and instinctively flared his magic. It swirled a bit and clung to him, forming his Ectoplasmic body.


Love Conquers All

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