Chapter 4: Something Wrong (Rewritten)

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(Hi, it's me, nonbinary MidNight. I have something to tell you all. This chapter holds sexual assault that goes into high detail. I will put the warning at the beginning of the scene so you may skip it.)

Blue whimpered, hiding in the corner.

"STUPID MORTAL!" Ink screamed at him.

Pain flashed across his face as Ink backhanded him. He felt his Hp fall with it.

"YOU NEED TO TRY HARDER! YOU BARELY TOUCHED HIM!! I'm disappointed!" Ink growled, "and you let them get away! We lost the Au because of you! If you hadn't taken so long to eat! If you hadn't taken so long to cook! We could have beaten them!" Ink slapped Blue again and he fell back,  hitting the wall.

Blue whimpered quietly in pain, holding his face. He didn't correct Ink on the fact that he hadn't touched his pancake, as it was still sitting at the table. But Ink was right about the time, he did take awhile to cook them. Blue hardly flinched at his yelling. It was normal. This happened often when Dream wasn't around, so Blue tended to have no proof other than his injuries but those could easily be told off as injury from battle.

Ink rose his hand to hit him and he looked away with his eyes closed tightly. Nothing happened for a moment so Blue looked up, only to be hit up top the head with Broomie, Inks oversized paintbrush.

Blue crumpled to the floor.

The four gathered in the lounge, chattering over coco croissants. The question in mind, was he blind.

The stopped talking as Nightmare confidently walked into the room only to falter and stare questioningly at the floor in front of him.

"Horror...? Why is there a pot on the floor?" He looked back up at Horror and down at the pot again.

"..., uhh...I... uhhmm..." Horror barely responded, shaken up a bit.

"You know what, never mind. Im gonna walk away, and pretend this never happened. Im not blind. I swear to the deities, you guys believe everything you're told..." he muttered walking away.

(WARNING, PAST THIS POINT IS EXTREME SEXUAL ASSAULT!! SKIP TO NEXT CHAPTER IF YOU DO NOT WISH READ THIS! [I honestly don't recommend reading this because really bad. I don't think I'm very good at this.])

Blue blinked wearily as he faded back into consciousness. He groaned, rubbing his head.

Suddenly his face was jerked upward and his eyes flew wide. Ink. And he was smiling, his face was flushed and there was a bit of pink on his lip(? Oh well. Lip it is.) he knew the colors name but not the color itself.

His smirk grew wider, his flush heavier.

"I-ink?" Blue stuttered. He's never seen Ink act like this. Blue tried to look around but Ink held his chin tightly. "I-ink! What are you doing?" Blue tried to move away as Inks' face inched closer. "I-inmm!" Blue was cut off as Ink pulled his chin up and and kissed him.

This is wrong.

That was the only thought Blue could generate. This was wrong.

Blue instantly thought about Dream and how he would react to Ink kissing his best friend.

Blue pushed him away, huddling against the wall. It cold stone wall. It was the cellar. The cells. One of the few places Dream couldn't sense emotions from because of the shield he put on it after the first incident. He was sick for days with amount of negativity that came from the arrested crook.

Blue started to panic when he realized that Ink had locked them in one of the cells and Ink had the keys.

"I-ink give me the keys!" Blue stuttered.

"Oh~ testing me today are we~?" Ink purred. His voice sounded dirty and lustful, causing Blue to shiver.

The soulless skeleton stood up and walked toward Blue, grabbing his breast plate. He unclipped the plate from his shoulder pads, tossing it aside and pulling the shoulder pads off. Blue tried to push Ink away again but ink emptied some (wrongly blue colored) purple paint on his hands, creating a chain.

Blue struggled against the chain as it pulled his hands together. Ink attached it the wall above Blue's head and around his neck so if he pulled on it he would choke.

Ink ran is fingers down Blue's shirt and suddenly ripped it with a distal. He pulled the ripped T-shirt off and tossed it, playing with Blues ribs. He kissed Blue again and slipped a hand down Blues' pants. His fingers played with Blues' pelvis in an attempt to make his magic swirl.

And swirl it did. Ink forcefully made Blue summon an ectoplasm body. A female ectoplasm body.

"I-ink please, what will D-dream think?" Blue stuttered in an effort to make Ink stop and revaluate what he was doing.

Ink pulled down Blues pants, tossing them next to his ripped shirt.

"Dream will say you deserved this if you tell him. In fact, he may do it too~" Ink purred, pulling out his member. It was hard and dripping with precum.

He pulled Blues legs around his waist and he kneeled down. Blues breath quickened as he knew what was happening.

"Ink stop! Please! I don't want this!" He cried.

Ink placed a finger on Blue's mouth. "Shh~ no noise~" he purred, holding his member to Blue's body.

He whispered and wiggled in a painful attempt to kick Ink.

The rainbow skeletons lazy lustrous smile dropped to a snarl. "I told you-" he lined up with Blue, "No Noise!" Thrusting into Blue roughly and taking the swaps virginity. Blue nearly cried out in pain as Ink kept moving, refusing Blue a chance to adjust.

He moaned in pain, tears blurred his vision. He whimpered and moan quietly, trying to keep Ink happy so that it wouldn't last long.

He didn't like this.

This hurt.

A lot...

Blue didn't hate many of things, but this instantly hit the top of his list.

He hated this.

"You like this?" Ink whispered.

Blue couldn't respond without sobbing so he shook his head. Ink pushed into him harder causing Blue to yelp.

"Liar!" He hissed and moved fast and deeper into Blue. His head hit the wall repeatedly from the force and he cried in pain.

"INK STOP!!" He sobbed, he could feel something burning inside of him. Like a knot in his stomach.

Suddenly the knot snapped and Blue gasped and cried loudly, convulsing and shaking as Ink didn't stop.

Blue could no longer form a coherent thought. Thought jumbled and no longer existed in Blues mind.

"Stopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstop" he mumbled repeatedly, now every thing just hurt. He couldn't think properly as Ink continued to overstimulate him.

He was moving faster now, his movements getting sloppy. He thrust deeply one last time.

Blue yelped as he felt the hot sticky substance fill his body. Ink pulled out, zipping up his pants.

"Dream would've done the same thing." He whispered and walked away, leaving the cell unlocked and Blue waiting for the chains to melt.

Something Wrong
Love Conquers All

1118 words

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