Chapter 26: Meeting of the Stars

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Dream whimpered under Inks grip.

"You will not say a word about this, do you hear me slut?" Ink growled.

Dream nodded as best as he could with Inks hand gripping his neck.

It's been a week or so since Ink learned about Palette... he hasn't hurt him yet.

"You. Will. Not. Speak. A single word. You got that? Not. A. Word."

Dream nodded again and Ink let go.

He smiled like his old self. "Good we understand each other!" He said with a happy voice.

Ink started to walk away but then stopped. Dream felt a tug on his arms.

He glared at the chains but stood up and followed Ink.

He clutched one of his hands with the other and looked down. A standing posture that often appeared harmless and small, as though the person using it did not want attention.


Dream's stomach was starting to show with how it was glowing.

Oh he hoped no one would notice... till he told them.

He looked back up as they past a mirror.

He was a mess. The top of his skull was fractured and it went through his left eye socket, he had what a human would call bags under his eyes. His eye lights were dull and small. They looked white almost.

He rewrapped his face with another bandage. He looked back up at the mirror, fixing his expression. On cue his eye lights became large glowing gold stars, his smile big and bright.

He felt a tug on his wrist again and hurriedly rushed after Ink.

Lust was already waiting at the ink splattered on the floor. Dream felt himself brighten at the sight of Lust. His smile dropped into a genuine happy expression.

"How you holding up?" Lust asked quietly.

Dream only nodded, remembering what Ink had said. He didn't want to push his luck... at least... not yet.

Blue looked at the clock and jumped. 11. "Crap! I got to go!!" He cried, rushing to get his bag. It was just a simple shoulder bag, the kind that goes over one shoulder and under the other, but it made him comfortable to wear it. It also help that it carried pepper spray.

It probably wasn't necessary and Ink would never willingly ruin his reputation, but you never knew with Ink.

"What's wrong Blue?" Nightmare asked from the dining table. The king of darkness had only just woken up. He had an odd sleep pattern. 6pm to 11pm, then again, 6am to 11am. He was technically getting 10 hours of sleep a day, just split off.

"Council meeting!" Blue said as he rushed to grab a pancake to take with him. "First report since they sent me here, and I have no clue what to say! I can't tell them to truth! With how much as I want this war to end, they wouldn't believe me because of it..." he walked over to Nightmare who hugged him. "Not to mention Dream... I need to make sure he's okay... and talk to Lust."

"Calm down, you're stressing." Nightmare whispered.


"It's fine Blue." Nightmare let him go with a small kiss on the 'lips'.

"I've got to go."

"I know, here." Nightmare dropped something into Blue's open hand. "Squeeze it hard if you need me."

Blue looked down at the little glob in his hand. "Noot noot slime." Blue chuckled and opened a portal before Nightmare could process what he had said.

"Noot noot...?" Nightmare asked before the portal closed.

Blue chuckled as he entered the meeting room. All the originals were there, and they all stared at him when he opened the door.

"Hi...?" Blue asked quietly. The original Stretch stood up and hugged him.

"You okay...?" He asked quietly. Blue knew that he was just trying to be nice, his brother after all was the original Swap sans.

"I'm fine Stretch." Blue said, carefully moving from his grip and squishing the ball of good in his hand gently.

Meetings of the Stars included only the Stars and the original Judges for each world, copies were never there. Which made Blue's presence odd. Sure he was a star, but he wasn't an original Swap. Every one thought that he came from UnderSwap copy #68. Only for him to learn that he actually came from UnderSwap copy #34. Still a copy nonetheless.

Blue took his spot next to Classic and and Ink. They stood around the table. Blue sidled closer to Classic who gave him a slight side eye but didn't say anything.

Till Blue sidle closer again, Ink was trying to get his attention and Blue did not want to give it.

"Are you okay Blue?" Classic asked. He wasn't very loud but everyone stopped talking and listened.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine!" He shot a fake smile at Classic.

He felt himself tipping.

That was when Ink grabbed his wrist, causing Blue to jump and try to pull away and leaning to get out. Inks grip was strong and he didn't let go.

Blue started to glitch and buffer, the fear of Ink pulsed through his body.

"Ink- let me go!" He cried, his other hand reaching in his bag.

Ink only stared his face looking almost worried, his grip tightening causing Blue to yelp.

He shot his other hand out of the bag and shot Ink in the face with pepper spray.

Ink cried out and dropped Blue's arms causing Blue to tumble back, he pulled his knees up to his chest.

"What was that for!?" Ink cried.

"I told you to let me go!" Blue shouted back.

"You started fainting!" Classic said.

"W-what...?" Blue muttered. He stood up wobbly. His head started spinning and he sat back down on the floor. "Whoa..."

"I'm sorry Blue, it's my fault." Dream said from behind Ink. "It's my aura. You've been with Nightmare for the past month... suddenly being with me instead messes with your head."

"Bet it doesn't help that I'm dating him..." Blue muttered underneath his breath.

"What was that..?" Classic asked.

"N-nothing!" Blue stood up, feeling a little bit better.

Suddenly music blasted through the room and Dream's fake smile dropped into a growl.

"Ready...?" Blue saw Lust mouth at Dream who nodded.

Meeting of the Stars
Blue is confused
Nightmare is unaware
Dream is planning something
Love conquers all

1055 words

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