Chapter 4: Something's Wrong (😓😥😰)

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(This chapter has explicit content. I am placing a warning at the beginning of the sexual harassment section as it does go into high detail)

The four gathered together in the living room. Was it true? They were all thinking the same question.
Was Nightmare blind? Each of them watched their boss, trying to gauge whether or not he was blind.
Nightmare entered the room confidently, carefully stepping around the trap they had laid out. A pot. Just in the middle of the room.
" um, Horror? Why is the pot in the middle of the room?"
"I, um... I......uhh...." Horror barely responded.
"You know what... never mind you don't have to explain it. I'm just going to walk out and none of you will ask any questions. Capishe?"
Killer watched Nightmare proceed to walk backwards and then freeze.
"That's new... a new bunch of negativity and definitely not a good one..."


Ink screamed at Blue. "WHY DID YOU LET THEM GO!!? WE HAD THEM!! This is all your fault!! If you hadn't taken so much time to eat we could've been there sooner and won! If you were faster we could've won!! But no! Stupid mortal!!" Inks eyes-lights were small red dots in the middle of the sockets. They bored into Blue and he could feel it. Blue cowered in the corner. Ink was extremely scary like this and Blue never knew what his punishment was until Ink started it.
Blue watched as a sick grin spread across Inks face, rainbow blush starting to appear. Blue was confused and frightened while Ink just grabbed Blues hand and dragged him down to the cells.
"I-Ink!?" Blue started to protest but was quickly slapped across the mouth.
Ink tossed Blue effortlessly into the cell furthest from the door.

(THIS IS A WARNING!! Sexual assault!! I really don't recommend you read this...)

"This way~ no one will hear you scream~" Ink said. His tone sounded wrong and disgusting. "Dream won't sense your emotions down here either." Ink started to pull his pants down and touched Blue in a place that made him summon an ecto. A female ecto to be exact. Blue whimpered and backed away only to be smashed atop the head by Inks paint brush.
"No noise~" Inks ectoplasm member was out and dripping with precum.
"I-Ink. Wh-what..? What are you doing!!?" Ink ripped Blues clothes off, forced him to open his legs and positioned his dick to hover over Blues unused pussy.
"I told you, no noise!" Ink slammed into Blue as hard as possible taking the swap sanses virginity away with it. ink started to move immediately, not giving Blue a chance to adjust. Blue almost screamed but stopped at the last second, remembering not to make noise. He tried he really did. But Ink kept going. Hard and fast on Blue. Blue moaned loud and full of hurt. His eyesight blurred as tears of pain rolled down his face. Ink forced his mouth onto Blues and started forcefully kissing him. All Blue could hear was the loud slapping of Ink against himself and the whimpering/muffled moaning he was making.
He didn't like this. It hurt. It hurt a lot. It hurt so much. Blue hated this.
Ink finally pulled away, still slapping into Blue. "This is your punishment~ this is your fault." Ink sounded out of breath but he kept talking. "You wanted this. Admit it." He had slowed down to a stop and Blue was able to breathe again. Then Ink started rubbing Blues clit. Blue moaned loud  and whimpered again. "See~ you do like it~"  he rubbed it harder making Blue almost scream again. Blue felt Inks fingers leave and started hoping that Ink was done, then hard and fast Ink started again but this time, all the way. Blue could feel it in his womb. And Ink kept going, and eventually:
"Shit, I'm gonna cum." Ink released inside Blue and backed off. He zipped up his pants and left, but not before making sure Blue knew this was his own fault. That even Dream would agree that what Ink did was the right thing to do.

(End of warning)


Something is wrong.
Something Ink did was wrong.
Will something come out of it?
Love conquers all.


671 words

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