Chapter 45: Unable

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It was well past noon when Blue finally came downstairs, sobbing his soul out. He collapsed in front of Dream, his head in the positive guardian's lap. His hands were clutching Dream's (Lust's) hoodie.

"Blue!? Oh-." Dream's brows knitted together with worry as he easily pulled Blue from the floor and onto his lap.

"Dream I can't do this again." Blue whimpered. "I can't." His voice broke with desperation. He stuffed his face into Dream's chest and sobbed. "I need Nightmare..." Blueberry whispered softly. "I can't do this again without him...." He seemed to be talking to himself.

"... we'll find him... we'll find him..." Dream whispered back, trying to comfort him. Then Dream noticed the Blue was oddly squishy in his abdomen. His normally white shirt was faintly blue in color. "...Blue...?" Dream suddenly knew what was wrong.

"... yes...?" Blue asked. He sniffed and hiccuped a bit before looking up at Dream.

"You'll be okay... he will be okay... they will be okay." Dream said. Blue nuzzled into him, seemingly starting to calm down.

Horror whined from the floor. Dust and Killer were practically on top of him and Insanity was literally on top of him. The tiny toddler had fallen asleep on Horror's chest, Dust had a narcolepsy episode, and Killer hadn't slept the night before in worry over Nightmare and Blue. He wanted to get up and hug the cinnabun sitting in Dream's lap. But his child and lovers were sleeping on him.

The nine year old that is Pj looked like he was about to start crying because Blue, his favorite person besides his father, was upset. Error was trying his best to keep the child from crying by swinging him from the ceiling with some strings. Now the child just looked sleepy.

"Who is 'they'...?" Error whispered once PJ fell asleep.

Blue up to this point had been drifting off still passively crying till Error said something. He shifted and got off of Dream's lap. He started to stand.

"Blue...?" Dream asked.

"... I have to leave..." Blue whispered.

"Why dear?" Lust asked, his eyes held worry as he thought back to the conversation he had with Dream.

I think he's gotten to his head again.

"I... I just do..." he whispered. He started to walk away. Lust grabbed his hand. Blue yelped and ripped his hand out of Lust's grasp, staring at Lust like he had just stabbed him.

Dream blinked hard, seeing what might have been blood on Blue's glove.

"Blue." He stood up and made a grab for his arm and not his wrist like Lust did. He was too fast though because he instantly shortcut away. All Dream caught were little droplets. Tears. Blue was crying again.

Dream shortcut into Blue and Nightmares room to find Blue grabbing a bag and making a portal.

"Wait! Blue!" Dream cried.

"I can't..." Blue whimpered out, he shook his head. "I can't stay here. Ink wants me, he's after me... how do I know? Well..." he glitched. "It's the reason I'm a glitch. He took me from my home world and placed me in 68. I can't stay here."

"At least let me come with you!" Dream said. He could feel Blue's emotions slipping into incognito, something he had taught Blue to do in an emergency. He never thought it would be used against him. "Blue please!"

"Dream I shouldn't even be able to carry these! I'm only putting you at risk by staying here so if go to Ink now he has to let Nightmare go. I'm leaving." Blue said with a finalized tone.

"What do you mean... shouldn't be able to...?" Dream had a dumbfounded look on his face.

Blue suddenly looked angry, even if he already looked annoyed. "Why do you think she died in the first place!? I couldn't carry her! My body can barely hold itself together much less another being! And twins no less! I shouldn't be pregnant! I'm not able to carry them... I'm sorry Dream. I have to go." And with that he stepped back, into the portal before Dream could grab him. The portal closed and Dream was left alone, standing in the purple room.

Nightmare whimpered as he curled up in the corner of the cell, furtherest from the door.

Ink had- ink- no- bad- no- touch- bad- ink- no- no- no- shame- my fault- no- bad- touched- no- what would Dream think- Tree- positive- negative- bad- touched- mother- sorry- Dream-

The thoughts swirled in his head, unable to form a coherent thread. Every time he opened his eyes, all he could see was the dark concrete walls, Every time he closed his eyes he saw the hill, the town, the Tree, Dream, the villagers....

His abusers.

He kept himself curled up against the cold rock wall, shivering as the memories dumped into his mind.

He could hear Ink trudging down into the cellar. He forced himself to stop shaking and to act like he was sleeping in hopes of Ink leaving him alone.

"... food." Ink whispered. Nightmare could feel the guilt and self hatred radiating from Ink but it kept flickering into joy. Nightmare couldn't understand what was happening.

He didn't respond, his fight, flight, or freeze response kicking in and his body chose freeze.

"Fine... I'll leave it here..." Ink whispered, a light clattering noise signaling that Ink put the plate down.

Nightmare didn't move for a long time after Ink left. Once he peaked an eye open because he could smell the food.


Nightmare immediately lost his appetite. Blue made pancakes. One of the best things he made besides his tacos. Blue's tacos were the best.

... he felt that his face was wet again.

He sat up and huffed. Why was he crying so much? He's the fucking king of Darkness. He's supposed to be tough and scary.

He looked over his small white frame.

Not anymore he guessed. He never had powers in this form. He had his staff and that was about it. It was pretty much the same thing as Dream's old one but with a crescent moon on the ends and it was more of his color scheme. He couldn't even shortcut like this.

He growled and hooked his finger under the shackle around his neck for the tenth time. He couldn't break it. He would have been able to if he was in his corruption.

... how long was he going to be here...?

Love Conquers All

1080 words

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