Chapter 29: Again

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Blue groaned and sat up. Whatever he had been sleeping on was hard. He rubbed his aching scarred skull and peeked open an eye socket. Pitch black. He opened both his eyes in shock. He would never willingly sleep in the dark. He felt the floor and walls.


Something stepped

He wasn't alone.

"Who's there!?" He called out
He heard a dark chuckle that made his blood run cold.


"Little Baby Blue." Ink said through the darkness. The room lit up with rainbow colors as ink started to glow with an ecto. Blue jumped back as Ink was much closer that he thought. "Are you okay Baby Blue?" Ink asked mockingly.

"peachy." Blue responded, glaring at the rapist. He was not in the mood for this nor had the time to be afraid of him. "Where are we? The cells? Asylum Tale?" He wouldn't put it past Ink to stick him in AsylumTale. Honestly, at this point, he wouldn't put anything past ink.

"and why do you think I'm going to tell you that?" Ink snarled, stalking towards Blue. There was golden blood on his face.

I don't know. Just thought you might... Did you Stab Dream?" Blue responded with a snarl of his own.

"fine." Ink responded. He stepped right up to him and kicked him. "yes, I did stab Dream."

Blue grunted as he hit the wall. He sat up and rubbed his arm. "Why!?"

"He disobeyed me. He deserved it." Ink responded, crouching down.

"You're A soulless freak!' Blue screamed at Ink who started touching him.

"yeah yeah. I know. Now hush." Ink touched that one rib that made Blue's ectoplasm appear without consent.

"Ink! Listen to me! This is wrong! Not only am in a relationship, but you're married deities damn it!! Stop!! Why are you doing this!l??" Blue screamed, Ink seemingly not giving a fuck.

Blue backhanded Ink across the face, scrambled to get up and ran. He didn't care that he couldn't see. He ran, finding A door and jiggling it to find out it was locked.

"you can't escape this Blue." Ink growled.

Blue's soul pounded and he felt tears sting his eyes.

Not again.

Nightmare breathed in. Fear for his lover gripped his soul but he didn't let it show as he stepped into the silent home. Broken glass littered the floor, as though Ink had a fit.. Or a fight. He kept walking.

Error glitched beside him.

"You okay...?" Error whispered the question at him, keeping themselves from gaining the attention of the rest of the gang.

Night shook his head as the response. He was not okay, but he couldn't do anything about it, the only way to fix it was to see that Blue was okay.

That was not an option.

Error nodded and kept looking for someone, his strings at the ready. Nightmare looked up the stairs and climbed them.

The first room was small and decorated with shades of blue, except for one corner which was strangely painted pink. on the desk was folded purple and dark pink clothing, navy blue jeans and black basketball shorts.

Blue's room.

He looked closer at the floor to find a picture frame, inside A picture of Blue Dream and ink, but the frame was shattered and Ink was crossed out.

He resisted the urge to pick it up, sit on the bed and stare at it. Instead he picked up the paper, folded it neatly and stuck it In his pocket.

"BOSS! I FOUND SOMETHING!" Horror's voice carried up the stairs.

"LIAR! I FOUND IT!' Cross objected.
Nightmare sighed and came down stairs to see what the idiots were fighting over.

A trap door. It was wide open.

Night sharpened his goopy appendages and quietly stepped onto the wooden stairs. He went down, hearing nothing, he signed to his crew to follow. He kept moving eventually hearing voices.



"you're amazing... I probably would've dusted by now if I was in your position."

"Dont talk like that! You wouldn't die!"Dream broke into a coughing fit, accompanied by a sob.

Nightmare felt his eye socket widen. He rushed around the corner, finding Lust and dream chained to opposite walls. Lust was as close as possible to Dream who was using the wall to sit up.
Lust was practically naked, dried tear tracks covered in dust lined his face. He had bruising on his ribs and arms, along with his legs and pelvis. He had a his hood tied around his waist, covering most of his pelvis.

Dream on the other hand...

Nightmare stared at Dream. His tentacles unsharpened, dropping to his sides and behind him

'Dream..." Nightmare whispered, pain and worry extremely evident in his voice, catching the twos attention.
He was practically dusting. he had a knife sticking out of his stomach which was no longer glowing, dried ichor surrounded him, trails of it on his stomach, along with his mouth, new blood tracing a new line down his chin. self inflicted cuts lined up and down his arms. He also had the dried tear tracks covered in dust, but it wasn't normal dust. It was the white flaky dust of a monster. He was dusting, he was just holding it back.

"Dream!" Night cried when realization dawn on him. His brother was dying.

He grasped the iron bars and ripped them out of the wall. He threw it off to the side, carefully making sure he didn't hurt anyone.

He rushed to his brothers side, breaking the chains and picking him up. "Horror! You get Lust!
Error! Make a portal! Cross, Take Dream and CAREFULLY help him."

Error dropped a portal leading back to the castle, Horror broke the chains holding Lust and tried to helped him stand, only to find he couldn't and had to carry him through. Night lightly kissed his extremely out of it brother on the forehead, cringing at the heat and dust coming of with it.

He handled Dream to Cross and Cross left too. He poked his head into the portal.

"stay here. I'm finding Ink and I dont need one of you idiots to be killed." He popped back through before the could protest and signalled to Error to close it.

Now we find Blue... And most likely, Ink."

Dream is dusting
Lust is in pain
Nightmare is fearful
Blue is endangered
Love concers all

1070 words

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