Author's Note

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This is a Narnia fanfic that I have decided to write on a complete whim

Narnia was literally my childhood and Peter Pevensie was my first ever fictional crush so I had to write this ... I had no choice 

There are a few things I would like to clear up before we get started 


The ages in this fanfic are all changed to allow room for Peter and Valera to actually be cute without it being super weird because they are very young lmao

So, for your reference, here are the ages I have chosen to go with


Peter = 15     Valera = 14     Susan = 14     Edmund = 12     Lucy = 10


Peter = 16     Valera = 15     Susan = 15     Edmund = 13     Lucy = 11    Caspian = 16


Peter = 18     Valera = 17     Susan = 17     Edmund = 15     Lucy = 13    Caspian = 18

There might be a part four depending on how this turns out ... who knows ;) so I'll post the ages for that when I get to it 

Also I wanna just point out that William was 15 in the first film sooo technically I'm not wrong lol


For the plot line I have made massive changes to the history of Narnia and Jadis' backstory

It is purely to work Valera into the story so don't come for me haha

Films NOT Books

The plot will follow the films plot line not the books plot line

It's easy this way for me in terms of scenes to write and fitting in my own original scenes too

I also think more people have seen the films rather than read the books and let's be honest here y'all are here because of William Moseley ... don't kid yourself


I am currently writing this at the same time as my Harry Potter fanfic (Power and Persecution ... go check it out when it's up lol) so my uploads are all over the place

Also that's a little exclusive for y'all cause I haven't revealed my current works yet. I'm hella nervous to upload my HP fanfic cause I feel like the standards are so high for HP fanfics and mine is SHIT but I mean I do legit write for my own amusement ... like my maladaptive daydreaming needs to be put somewhere 

Anyways ... chapters will get written when they get written

I sort of flick between the two, some days I have insane motivation to write for Narnia and other days for Potter so it's honestly depending on the week I have in terms of how many chapters you get

It's also a total shock to me if anyone reads this it is purely for my own entertainment ... like if ur here then welcome haha ur certainly part of a huge minority but I am so glad u are <3

OKAY that is everything I think but I always love a good complain so I might add more things who knows 

I hope you guys enjoy this story xx


The Golden Witch || Peter Pevensie x OCWhere stories live. Discover now