33. The First Step

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There was a sharp and cold laugh emitting from Nikabrik.

Trufflehunter himself chuckled slightly.

Valera sat with her arms around Caspian's shoulders, watching as her people reacted to her statement.

That she isn't dead.

"Such lies in an attempt to save your lives. It's blatant disrespect", Nikabrik eventually said after collecting himself.

"I'm not lying", Valera replied.

"Prove it. Valera was the Golden Witch. Daughter of Summer. Grow some vines around our walls", Nikabrik commanded.

"I ... I can't."

"You can't. Because Valera has been dead for centuries. Hence why Narnia has fallen to the Telmarines", Trufflehunter explained.

"Can I kill them now?" Nikabrik asked his companion.

Valera started to panic as she tried to think of a solution.

She needed to show them who she was.

And when her eyes landed on her sister's rings still lying on the table, she found her solution.

And the first step to reconciliation.

"I can still prove it to you!" she suddenly exclaimed.

"How?" Nikabrik asked with a scoff.

"The rings. They refuse to be worn by anyone who is not of their bloodline. Try and wear them", Valera explained.

The dwarf and the badger shared a sceptical look.

"I couldn't possible adorn the rings of royal blood", Trufflehunter said as he stepped away from the table.

"Then you do it", Valera said to Nikabrik.

The dwarf once again scoffed at her before lowering his dagger from Caspian and approaching the rings.

He picked up the one that belonged to Lilith.

The silver ring covered in amber and ruby coloured gemstones placed around in a random pattern to represent randomly fallen leaves.

With a smug smile, the dwarf placed the ring on one of his fingers.

Instantly, it shot an excruciating burning sensation upon his skin.

Nikabrik yelled out in pain as he removed the ring, tossing it onto the floor.

"Careful!" Trufflehunter yelled as the precious ring fell.

Valera held back an amused smile. Lilith was always the most short-tempered of them.

Of course her ring would bring the most harm to an intruder.

"It almost burned my finger off!" Nikabrik yelled in defence to the badger.

"Just as I said", Valera muttered.

"Okay. Now it's your turn to try", Nikabrik spat, kicking the ring over in her direction.

Valera hesitated slightly.

She had been severed from nature.

Would that have severed her from her sisters' souls?

After all, their rings connected her to them through their ties to nature.

Through the seasons they each controlled.

But this was her only hope for survival.

Her only method of proof.

Besides, she had done nothing to betray her sisters, or her bloodline. Only Narnia.

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