62. Back to the Beginning

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You will find her at the place that first bought you to her.

Peter had no other thoughts in his mind as he left one world for the next.

Even when he magically appeared back at the train station, dressed in his school uniform, with his siblings all stood beside him.

Around them were bustling crowds of people, all going about their days, none the wiser to the sudden appearance of the Pevensies on the platform.

It was just like the first time they had left Narnia.

No time had passed.

And they were left to live out their lives in their world pretending that was true.

Peter had struggled to do that.

He had struggled ever since the moment he came back to this world, leaving Valera in the other.

But that was the difference between their return this time and their return last time.

Valera wouldn't be left behind.

And Peter's current thought only reminded him of the one thing he had to do to not suffer.

He had to go and find her.

A task that would be daunting given that she hadn't walked through the archway with them, nor was she at the train station.

Peter had already glanced around in search of her familiar, wild blond curls to no avail.

She could be anywhere.

All alone.

In a new, scary, unfamiliar world.

Peter would panic, but Aslan had stopped that from happening.

He had provided Peter with a compass of sorts, constructed out of words, to point him in the direction he needed to go.

You will find her at the place that first bought you to her.

The place that first bought Peter to Valera would be the same place that first bought Peter to Narnia.

The wardrobe.

It all clicked the moment Peter had heard Aslan give him the instruction.

Professor Kirke also seemed to have knowledge of who Valera was, making him the perfect person to watch over her until Peter could be with her again.

All Peter had to do was just that.

Go to the Professor's house once again.

And there his wife would be.

"Aren't you coming, Phyllis?"

The voice of a boy spoke out from in front of Peter and his siblings, snapping them all out of their individual, dazed thoughts.

Looking up, the train that would have taken them home from their respective schools had arrived.

Without the interruption of a transportation to a magical world, they were free to board it.

Susan, Edmund, and Lucy all got the hint, knowing that the train wouldn't stay put for very long, and started to quickly gather their trunks and satchels.

But as the three younger siblings stepped onto the train, the eldest of them stayed still.

"You three go. I have a different train to catch", Peter explained as he twisted his wedding ring around on his finger.

"What train?" Lucy asked.

"To Coombe Halt station, of course. There's someone there I need to see as soon as possible", Peter replied with both an excited and insinuating tone.

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