61. The Future

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Making changes to one's life is not always easy.

It comes with tough decisions that appear to counteract each other.

Sometimes the right decision is the hard decision.

Hard decisions carry weight of doubt, conflict, and pain.

Right decisions carry promises of happiness, hope, and trust.

So when Valera had settled on her own decision that was both right and hard, she was being pulled apart by the clashing factors that came with each.

But she knew it was one that had to be made so she could live the life she deserved.

However, that knowledge didn't make it easy.

The decision she had to make was to choose between two very different futures.

Both involved positives and negatives.

Both had to be weighed up against each other.

And there wasn't a way for her to have both.

She could only choose one.

And with that, comes fear.

It turns making those choices that will lead to changes into something scary.

But there was something else that Valera thought was scarier.


Which future holds the possibility for her to feel the most regret not having chosen the other one?

Asking herself that question gave Valera an answer.

The first future would involve her staying in Narnia. She would be with Caspian, their people, and their land. Now that freedom and peace had been returned, that future looked bright.

The main positive was certainty.

Valera knew exactly what her future would look like if she chose the first one.

She knew that she would be safe in Narnia, she knew what her days would hold, she knew that she would be of great help to Caspian as he ruled, she knew what the land was like, and she knew that she was tied to nature here as well as to her mother and father and sisters.

But the main negative was that Peter wouldn't be there with her.

Which led her to her second future. It involved her putting her foot down with Aslan and finding a way to go with him to his world.

The main negative was uncertainty.

Valera didn't know what the Pevensie's world was like, she didn't know if she would be safe there, she didn't know if her magic would transfer, she didn't know if she would still be connected with her mother and father there, she didn't know what her days would look like, she didn't know if she could get back once she left Narnia, and she didn't know if she could abandon her people, land, and responsibilities like that.

In summary, she had no idea what her life would look like if she transferred across worlds.

But what she did know is that she would be with Peter.

And when she really thought about it, Valera had already lived through the first future.

Sure, she didn't choose it back then, but she had lived in a future where she stayed in Narnia whilst Peter returned to his world.

Now, that future was her past.

And that past needed to stay there.

The last thing she wanted was to repeat it. Repeat that pain and have it turn into regret.

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