6. Turkish Delight

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Lucy had tried to tell her siblings of the wonders she experienced in Narnia.

She told them of Mr Tumnus.

She told them of the winter that never ended and the White Witch who made it so.

She told them of the pretty girl that came to help her.

But no matter how much she tried, it was clear that Peter, Susan and Edmund weren't budging.

As she lay in bed, she stared at the flame atop a candle on the small table beside her.

She watched it dance, and it reminded her of the dancing fire in Mr Tumnus' house.

That memory bought with it an idea.

Perhaps her siblings didn't believe her, but she didn't need their belief to believe in it herself.

She didn't need it to return.

And so, she got out of bed, put on a pair of boots instead of slippers, grabbed the candle, and made her way quietly out of her room as to not wake Susan.

Lucy slowly made her way to the room with the wardrobe, making sure to tread on wooden floorboards that didn't let out a loud squeak, thinking constantly of seeing her friend the faun and the mysterious girl again.

What she didn't know was someone else was also treading on all the silent floorboards.

Edmund had gone to the toilet that night, and as he emerged from the bathroom, he saw Lucy lit by candlelight walking down the hallway.

It would be rather funny and very easy to scare her at this time of night, and so Edmund decided to follow her.

He tailed her a few paces behind all the way to the room with the wardrobe, but when he opened the door, his younger sister was nowhere to be found.

"Lucy, where are you?" he called out.

There was no response.

And there was only one place that she could possibly be hiding in that room.

Edmund walked up to the wardrobe, opened it and yelled, "Boo!"

He fully expected to see his terrified sister standing behind the wooden door, but he didn't.

All he saw was a bunch of hanging fur coats.

Confused, Edmund glanced around making sure Lucy hadn't somehow hid behind him but once again didn't see his sister.

She had to be further in, tucked at the back. It was the only logical explanation.

"Lucy ... Hope you're not afraid of the dark", Edmund taunted as he entered the wardrobe, closing the door behind him.

After just two steps in and after pushing past a couple of the coats, he saw a green fern branch sticking out in front of him.

"Lucy?" Edmund called out yet again.

This time, however, he wasn't calling out to try and scare her. He was calling out to know what on earth was happening.

"Lucy? Lucy!" he continued with silence being his answer.

Suddenly, he lost his footing and fell right on his back.

Instead of the expected hard wood colliding with his head and back, what he felt was a soft, freezing cold substance around him.

Edmund slowly opened his eyes and what he saw took his breath away.

He was in a snow-covered forest.

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