32. Denial

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The Pevensies had decided to continue exploring.

What they needed was answers.

Answers about just why their old castle was now reduced to ruins.

Answers that they came across fairly soon.

Answers that were not exactly positive in nature.

"Catapults", said Edmund as he crouched down onto the grassy floor beside a large stone boulder.

"What?" Peter asked as he and their two sisters approached their brother.

"This didn't just happen. Cair Paravel was attacked", Edmund answered.

Each of the Pevensie siblings all took a moment to let it sink in.


By who?



What was the current outcome they had arrived into?

Peter was the first to move as he caught sight of the remains of a familiar looking wall.

One which, if he recalled correctly, housed a hidden door behind it.

Both he and Edmund managed to push aside the stone wall, revealing an ancient wooden door.

It crumbled underneath Peter's hand with ease as he pushed a chunk of it inwards to reach the lock on the other side.

It swung open, revealing a pitch-black tunnel.

Peter used a small pocketknife Edmund had packed in his satchel to tear the end of his shirt apart.

He tied the material around the end of a small branch before looking up to his brother.

"I don't suppose you have any matches, do you?" he asked, needing one to complete his makeshift lamp.

"Um ... no, but ...", Edmund started as he opened his satchel, digging around for something.

"Would this help?" he added, taking out a silver flashlight, holding it up with a smirk.

"You might have mentioned that a bit sooner", Peter scolded, looking down to the state of his torn shirt.

Susan and Lucy both shared an amused glance as Edmund flicked on the flashlight and headed into the tunnel.

Peter discarded the branch to the side, gesturing for his sisters to go before him.

The four made their way inside, walking down some very dirty stone steps.

Eventually, they reached a room lit up with warm golden light.

Inside were four stone statues, depicting two Kings and two Queens.

In front of each was a large golden chest.

Peter remembered that room being created.

Valera had one of her own in Irondale which she had used to house her old belongings when Jadis attacked, and she was forced to leave her castle.

He had quite liked the idea, and thus the statues had been carved.

But when they left, the chests were empty. There was no need for them to be filled as there was no threat of a future in which they would be forced out of Cair Paravel.

However, he could only hope that the chests would now play host to their old items.

Peter pushed through the black gates, walking through into the room first, taking in the sight in front of him.

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