57. Sisters For Sisters

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There were two ceremonies that needed to commence.

The first being the official crowning of Caspian as a King of Narnia.

The second being the wedding of Peter and Valera.

Given how Cair Paravel and Irondale were currently sat across the land as nothing but old ruins, it was decided that the castle previously belonging to the Telmarines would be used as the location for both.

Everyone immediately got to work on converting it from a dark and sinister place to one of beauty and light.

Valera allowed nature to fully return in the area, bringing the sun around to shine down over the interior village that used to be surrounded by stone walls.

Flowers were grown to cover almost every square inch of the place, bringing colour to the once lifeless streets that the Telmarines inhabited.

The majority of the dungeons were turned into extra medical rooms for those wounded in battle to be seen to.

Only a few cells were kept for their original purpose, in case any of the ex-Telmarine soldiers got any ideas.

However, in the weeks leading up to the ceremonies, none of them did.

It really seemed as though they had all been blindly following the orders of their evil superiors, and were now free.

Something the Narnians allowed them to be.

Something Valera had personally seen to, given her particular hatred for the concept of capture.

Something Aslan decreed wouldn't last forever, but kept his own plans for the future concealed from the Kings and Queens.

It was mainly to allow them to all live in the joy of their victory and bright future whilst they could.

The problems that may arise could wait.

Problems that Aslan knew would affect the one who had suffered the most.

But again, he didn't want to bring that upon her until necessary.

And so, Valera had been able to live out some of the happiest days of her life with peace of mind.

Caspian had gotten to work re-organizing his home to suit the masses of new Narnians living there.

The Kings and Queens all resided in the castle where Miraz used to live.

Their subjects all took up the houses in the large village below.

Both the Telmarines and the Narnians seemed to co-exist harmoniously.

There were no fights, no misalliances, everyone seemed to agree that they were comfortably under the rule of the rightful rulers of Narnia.

Especially Caspian. He was the one who made the transition for the Telmarines so easy, as technically, he was supposed to be their King by tradition.

They would follow and listen to him, and so would the Narnians.

Something that Valera had known would happen the day they had escaped and set off to fix the state of the world.

Caspian's leadership also came with a silver lining. Valera had less responsibility. People weren't looking to her for leadership and answers as much as they once did.

Which meant that she could spend her time in the company of her husband.

Peter and Valera hadn't left each other's side unless they had necessary duties to carry out during the transition.

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