16. Practice

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The sun was slowly falling over Aslan's camp, creating a pastel rainbow of colours in the sky, reflecting off the clouds.

Peter had spent the rest of the day wandering through the camp with a newfound sense of belonging since he had been knighted.

Lucy and Susan had taken the day to recover from the terrifying ordeal with the wolves in their own tent.

Valera had been in Aslan's tent discussing the things two rulers of Narnia would discuss.

Peter had known this as he had been keeping an eye on the tent all day, waiting for her to exit so that he could approach her.

After a while, however, he had told himself it was rather odd and obsessive, and so left for his own tent.

It was for that reason he missed the lion and the witch both leave due to the arrival of the final Son of Adam.

Peter had decided he was hungry, dinner time was approaching, and so he had left his tent to find something to eat.

But he was stopped in his tracks as he saw Oreius walk past him.

The two shared a glance, and the centaur then looked behind him, up to the top of a hill, as if he knew what Peter's question was going to be.

Peter followed his eyeline, spotting three individuals stood atop the hill.

One was Aslan, the great lion who made everything feel safe.

One was Valera, the Golden Witch who made Peter himself feel things he had never felt before.

But it was the third individual that stopped his heart.

Edmund was stood in front of him, his head held downwards in slight shame as Aslan spoke to him, Valera stood watching the interaction silently.

Peter stepped forward further into the green grass as he kept his eyes on his brother.

The only thing that distracted him was the sound of Susan and Lucy walking out of their own tent.

The two girls also looked up to where Edmund was stood.

"Edmund!" Lucy immediately screamed with pure joy and relief that her brother was okay.

But Peter knew that Aslan and Valera needed to talk with him first, uninterrupted.

And so he grabbed hold of his youngest sister as she tried to run forward.

The three individuals up on the hill all looked over to the three siblings below.

Aslan nodded to Edmund before turning to Valera.

Valera also nodded, and the two rulers stepped to the side.

Peter saw Edmund turn to Valera, the girl smiling softly at him before gesturing with her head that he was free to go.

Edmund placed both of his hands in his pockets as he walked down the hill towards them, Aslan and Valera following a few paces behind.

The four Pevensies stood still, Edmund in front of them in silence, barely able to look them in the eye.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak with Edmund about what is past", Aslan spoke first.

"It has been forgiven", Valera added, hinting towards the way the three siblings should now act towards their brother.

The two rulers then walked away, leaving the family to finally reunite.

"Hello", Edmund muttered, still glancing down at the ground.

Lucy was the first to step forth, wrapping Edmund into such a tight hug that Peter was fearful he might pass out.

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