23. It Is Finished

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Peter had to stop himself from getting distracted.

As he watched Valera finally unleash upon Jadis' army, he practically felt the relief she felt in doing so.

To finally do so after all these years.

To finally get justice and to push forward for Narnia.

For their people.

Eventually, she turned around to face him.

He knew what she was saying to him.

Phase Six had arrived.

It was time to finally win this war.

Peter turned back around to continue to lead the others further into the rocks as Valera advanced towards Jadis.

With her magic being restored, he had less reason to worry.

But he still found himself turning back to check that she was still standing.

And she most certainly was.

Using the grass to grow taller and engulf a huge minotaur in front of her, before it disappeared into the ground.

But in that moment, he had allowed distraction.

Suddenly, his unicorn was hit in the leg with an arrow and the next thing Peter knew, he was lying on the ground, his helmet thrown off to the side upon impact.

His army hadn't stopped running.

He was left alone, with those getting past Valera heading straight for him.

Peter lifted himself onto his hands and knees, his vision focusing in on Jadis upon her chariot approaching quickly.

"Peter! Get out of here!" Valera's voice yelled to him as she took down three more creatures.

Her eyes had also locked onto Jadis, and, just like him, she couldn't afford distractions.

Peter stood, sword and shield in hand as he faced the final number of the White Witches army running towards him.

But before he could even take a single step, Oreius, joined by a large Rhino, ran past him.

"Stop!" he tried to yell.

Running in there was suicide.

Valera, against his better judgement, had to be there to get to Jadis.

But she could handle herself with nature on her side.

There were on her turf now.

And she had her sisters' rings.

She was equipped to take on such a task.

But Oreius and the rhino were not.

That became evident as the rhino was swiftly taken down, Oreius pushing forth.

The mighty and loyal centaur managed to remove Jadis of her general before pulling out the largest sword Peter had ever seen.

He heard Valera call out Oreius' name in an attempt to stop him as he charged towards Jadis.

But both of their attempts failed.

With one touch of Jadis' sceptre, Oreius turned to stone in front of his eyes, and then he disappeared into thin air.

Peter found himself in the dead centre of the battle once again.

But this time, they were losing.

He watched as Jadis wielded both a sword and her sceptre to take down two of the flying lion-bird hybrids. The one turned to stone shattered on a nearby rock only to take out two of their own.

The Golden Witch || Peter Pevensie x OCWhere stories live. Discover now