4. Mr Tumnus

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"Forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven ..."

Lucy heard her brother counting higher and higher as she ran through the halls of the Professors large mansion.

After being turned away from a good hiding place by Edmund she had found an unlocked room.

As she opened the door, she saw a large, white sheet covering something mysterious standing opposite her.

Lucy felt oddly drawn to the item and found herself closing the door before walking slowly across the room towards it.

She reached up and pulled the white sheet down, revealing a large wooden wardrobe decorated with various carvings of trees.

Hearing her brother continue to count, Lucy quickly stepped inside the wardrobe, hiding herself in between a multitude of fur coats that hung around her.

She stepped back, hoping to reach the back of the wardrobe to sit down and rest against.

But the further she stepped, the further away the entrance became.

She had taken a good ten steps as she reached out her hand behind her, expecting to feel the wood at the back of the wardrobe.

Instead, her hand touched something cold and spiky.

A chill shivered up her spine.

Lucy slowly turned around.

Behind her was not the back of the wardrobe.

It was a forest covered in snow.

And it was beautiful.

With each step Lucy took into the woods she glanced behind her to check that her entrance to this magical world hadn't disappeared.

It hadn't.

And so she felt comfortable to head further in.

Eventually, she reached an open space in the forest.

Stood in the centre was a snow-covered lamppost, lighting up the surrounding area with a warm orange glow.

Lucy slowly approached the lamppost, placing her hand on the frosty metal pole until she heard a rustling noise from behind her.

She gasped and quickly turned around to try and identify the producer of the noise.

There was nothing there.

The noise started to get louder and louder, it almost sounded like footsteps.

Lucy's heartbeat increased as the noise got closer to her.

Suddenly a figure emerged from behind one of the trees.

Lucy caught a glimpse of a bright red scarf and the head of a man as she screamed, running behind the lamppost.

The mysterious individual also let out a yell as they too hid behind a tree out of sight.

Lucy peeked round the lamppost to see that the person had dropped a variety of brown paper packages into the snow on the ground.

Whoever it was still didn't reveal their face.

Eventually, Lucy felt comfortable enough to step out from behind the lamppost and she slowly approached the tree where the person was hiding behind.

As she stepped closer, the man peeked around the tree.

Lucy could see two brown fur ears sticking out from his hair and two little horns.

She leaned down and picked up the first package.

"Uh ... um", the man stuttered as he walked out from behind the tree, pointing an umbrella in her direction.

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