11. Rings That Reunite

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Valera had led the group through the harshness of the winter for about two hours.

They had left so early that the sun was still glowing a sharp orange light in the sky once they reached the highest peaks of one of the hills.

It was in an effort to show the others the direction Valera was taking them in.

With all the questions that Peter, Susan and Lucy may have, she didn't wish to add new ones into the mix.

"Aslan's camp is near the Stone Table", Valera said as she pointed out into the vast open view of Narnia.

"I can see green trees in the distance!" Lucy exclaimed, overjoyed to see something other than white snow and ice ahead.

"The work of Miss Valera, that is", Mr Beaver whispered to the little girl who smiled back at the witch.

"It's just across the frozen river", Mr Beaver added.

"River?" Peter asked.

"Oh, the river's been frozen solid for a hundred years", Mrs Beaver reassured.

The three siblings looked out at the horizon, taking in the mass amount of land in between them and their destination.

"It's so far", Peter muttered.

"It is the world", Valera replied with a small smile.

"Did you expect it to be small?" Mrs Beaver added.

"Smaller", Susan chimed in as she glanced to her older brother.

"Isn't there anything you can do to get us there faster? Like make us fly through trees?" Lucy hopefully asked Valera.

"I'm afraid I can't. These parts of Narnia are firmly under the control of the White Witch. It's a miracle that I can find a single tree around here that is on our side. Trying will only alert her of our location. It won't be safe", Valera explained calmly.

"Then we should probably keep going", said Peter, gesturing for Valera to continue leading them towards the camp.

This time, Susan took a step in front of her brother to walk beside the girl who looked to be around her age.

It left Peter to watch over Lucy with Mrs Beaver just behind them.

But such a formation wouldn't last long if he had anything to do with it.

A few hours later, the group were crossing an open field of snow.

However, no matter how hard Peter tried to get to Valera's side, his two sisters would always appear to beat him to it.

Currently, Mr and Mrs Beaver were leading the way.

Susan and Peter trailed behind them, with Lucy and Valera chatting away at the back.

"So what can you do?" Lucy asked curiously.

"When we get to Aslan's camp, I can show you if you'd like?" Valera replied.

"Oh, yes please! Mr Tumnus told me as much as he could about you and I've been hoping to see summer in Narnia."

Valera couldn't help but smile at the little girl who showed so much heart and hope.

It was people like her that Narnia needed.

But she also noticed Lucy's smile falter at the recollection of her friend.

"Mr Tumnus will be just fine, Lucy. Just as your brother will be. There is hope for them. A hope that you bought when you stepped foot in Narnia. A hope that you and your family keep alive", Valera attempted to reassure her.

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