10. The Journey Begins

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Turkish delight was not the food Edmund received.

He half expected to be led to a grand room of ice with a large dining table and chairs with his requested treat waiting for him.

Instead, he was placed in a dungeon of ice, shackled to the floor by his ankles, with a stale piece of bread and dirty water for sustenance.

Edmund didn't only ask for Turkish delight due to his greed, but rather due to the fact that he was starving.

And so he decided to take a bite out of the bread he was given.

Immediately, he spat it back out.

It tasted and felt like it had been sat out for at least a year.

He then went to drink some of the water to try and wash out the foul taste in him mouth, however the cup was full of a block of ice.

"If ..."

Edmund was startled by a voice that spoke to his right.

"If you're not going to eat that ..."

He looked over to see a faun wearing a red scarf shackled down in the cell next to him.

The creature looked frail, sickly, barely alive.

Edmund immediately picked up the disgusting piece of bread and made his way over to the small open wall in between the two cells.

"I'd get up, but ... but my legs", the faun said as the two shifted along the icy floor towards each other.

Edmund saw that the faun was also shackled around the ankles just as he was as he held out the bread for him to take.

But they weren't ankles like his. They were the ankles of a goat.

"Mr ... Tumnus?" he asked, remembering Lucy's description of the faun back in their world.

"What's left of him", Mr Tumnus replied as he devoured the bread Edmund had given him.

A few moments of silence went by as Edmund sifted through memories of his siblings, everything finally dawning on him.

Where he was.

What he had done.

What was going to be done.

"You're Lucy Pevensie's brother", Mr Tumnus then spoke once the bread was all gone.

"I'm Edmund."

"Yes. Yes, you have the same nose."

Edmund couldn't help but looking away in guilt.

Guilt that wasn't helped by Mr Tumnus' next question.

"Is your sister all right?"

Edmund let silence be his answer.

"Is she safe?"

The sounds of the wolves barking echoed out through the dungeon which led to Edmund answering, "I don't know."

All of a sudden, the metal gated door to the dungeon opened, causing Mr Tumnus to retreat further back into his cell.

Edmund looked up to see the White Witch entering his own cell, accompanied by Ginarrbrik.

"My police tore that damn apart. Your little family are nowhere to be found", the woman explained.

Edmund kept his mouth shut for two reasons.

The first being that his perception of the witch had changed completely since their first visit.

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