40. An Unexpected Reunion

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Peter had walked the entire way to Aslan's How in silence.

He ignored the battle plans Caspian was trying to explain to him.

He ignored the bickering of the Narnians behind him.

He ignored the whispers of his siblings asking the questions that were on his own mind.

"Will it really be ... her?" Susan asked her younger brother and sister.

"I hope so. But ... I don't see how", Lucy replied.

"She might be three hundred years old", Edmund pointed out.

"What do you think happened to her?" Lucy then asked.

"Something bad. Valera would never have left Narnia to fall to ruin. At least, not intentionally", Edmund's grave voice spoke the main concern running through them all.

The insinuation was there.

Something terrible must have happened to her for freedom and peace to have been wiped out.

For nature to have retreated so far into itself.

The explanation given was that Valera was gone entirely.

But if she was still alive, a fate worse than death must have befallen her for the current circumstances to have reached this level.

Peter was desperate for further answers.

But there was only one person he wanted to hear them from.

Hence why he walked in silence.

That was until the mountainous temple covered top to bottom in trees came into his view when they reached the edge of the forest line.

There was a moment of hesitation where Peter found himself beginning to freeze up.

Was it nerves?

Of course it was nerves.

Whilst Peter hadn't seen Valera for an entire year, she had gone centuries without him.

What might she look like now?

What might she be like?

What changes will have befallen her after all those years?

Would she even still love him?

Would she hate him for leaving her?

Would she have found another to fill the void in her heart he had left her with?

Just some of the thousands of questions Peter had that could only be answered by seeing her again.

Which is why, after a deep breath, he continued on.

Caspian took his place in the centre of the four Kings and Queens. Lucy and Peter to his right, Susan and Edmund to his left.

They all trekked across the open field to be met with a stone pathway leading into the temple.

On either side of the pathway were lines of centaurs, each holding a sword up as a sign of respect for their rulers.

There were small smiles forming on each of the Pevensies lips as they witnessed such an event again.

The loyalty of their people, treating them as royalty.

It was something they had all secretly missed in their own world.

But Peter missed something more.

"Where is she?" he whispered to Caspian as they reached the front of the lines of centaurs.

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