60. Gut Feeling

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Caspian and Valera had left the dungeons behind to return to the future.

Apparently, Caspian had ventured down there because he went searching for the witch for two reasons.

The first was to find her considering the events he had been organising with Aslan for that day were prepared and the witch's presence was required.

But the second had nothing to do with the events he had been organising with Aslan.

He needed her to assist him with something.

Something that instantly amused and interested Valera, taking all of her focus away from the residual pain she had experienced in that cell.

He wanted to get her advice on love.

The way he went about it was intentionally vague at first.

"Do you remember the moment you first realized your love for Peter?" Caspian asked as the two walked through the castle hallways.

"Of course", Valera replied, having the moment etched into her mind for centuries.

"How did you ... know that it was love?"

Caspian's next question threw her slightly.

There wasn't a way she could think to explain it.

She just ... knew.

The fact that she was aware of a prophecy proclaiming she would fall in love with a king might have influenced that knowledge, but regardless, that moment when Peter lit that torch to provide her with light made her feel a way she hadn't felt in a long time.

It wasn't just words in a prophecy then. It was a very real, very strong feeling.

"There isn't exactly a written guide, nor an agreed explanation. I knew that I loved Peter simply because he made me remember what love was again. But I think it's different for each person. The way in which I came to love someone won't be the same way you do", Valera chose to answer.

Caspian didn't seem to like the fact that her answer didn't provide him with a direct solution to his problem, the king sighing to himself as he nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"But if you are able to narrow it down for me ... I could give a more helpful answer", Valera added, taking notice of his confliction.

"Narrow it down?" Caspian repeated, not grasping what she was insinuating.

"Well, if you are wondering about your feelings for Susan, and hers for you –"

"Lea! Would you ... keep your voice down?" Caspian quickly interrupted her as he came to a sudden stop mid-way down a hallway, turning his head around to see if her words had caught anyone's ears.

"Oh, my apologies. But you must forgive me. The way you've been acting around one another ... I didn't think you were trying to hide it", Valera said with a slight hint of tease in her voice.

She did rather enjoy witnessing another relationship come to be.

Especially between two people she cared for greatly.

Knowing just how incredible love was, and how much joy it can bring, she wanted that for each of her fellow Kings and Queens.

Not to mention that her and Peter's love was under the scrutinous eye of everyone else for so long, she believed it was about time that she could play the part of the witness rather than the spectacle.

"Well I – I'm not sure ... I guess – I wasn't trying to make it ... I-I just wanted to see if –"

"Caspian, it's not a crime to fall for a beautiful queen. There's no need for such nerves", Valera interrupted his nervous sputtering.

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