41. I Forgive You

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Valera had told Caspian to send Peter to her.

Their reunion had a few conditions attached to it.

The first, and most important, was that they needed to be alone.

If Valera went back to the weapons room, she would not only have to face Susan, Edmund, and Lucy (which she felt deserved their own time with her) but their people too.

People who had been hoping for this very moment for centuries.

It would be natural for their eyes to become fixated on the reunion of the king and the witch.

Valera couldn't think of anything worse.

The main thing she wanted was to speak to Peter with honesty.

Every question he would ask, she would answer.

The last thing she wanted was for her people to hear her honesty.

To see her as weak and broken in any way before this war.

So they would need to reunite in a place where they wouldn't be disturbed.

Which leads us to the second condition.

It wouldn't take place outside, where nature lay.

Even though her ties were weak, they were certainly returning.

And now Peter was back, Valera knew their strength would only grow.

Which would make it a risk.

Her ties to nature thrive on her emotions.

Whenever she was sad, the sky would cry with her.

Whenever she was happy, the sun would shine brighter and the flowers would bloom.

Whenever she was angry, the ground would shake and a storm would brew.

In other words, it was a dead giveaway of her innate feelings and thoughts.

It was also dangerous.

If her reunion with Peter returned those feelings of anger and sadness to her which she couldn't control, he would see them through nature.

Over the years they were together, Peter developed the skill to read nature like he could read a book.

Something that once came in handy, but now made Valera nervous.

She didn't want him to get the wrong message.

To think that she was only angry at him, tormented by what he did to her by leaving.

Three centuries had allowed her time to forgive.

Her heart allowed her to still love him.

That's what she wanted him to see, not the residual anger that nature might give away.

And so, Valera had made her way inside to the abandoned medical bay for wounded soldiers.

It was abandoned because the war hadn't reached its peak.

The only person who had been there was Valera herself to get her remaining injuries cleaned and the remedies replaced.

The burn marks on her back were still healing, the bruises on her torso fading, and her scars now reminded her of a tortured past rather than a bleak future.

Something she was thinking about in this very moment as she sat on one of the medic beds made of wooden planks and woollen sheets, anxiously awaiting the arrival of her lost love.

Valera was wrapping a bandage around the top of her right arm, matching the one on the left.

She tied them with bows, as to make people believe it was an accessory rather than a necessity, adding onto her all white attire of a silk dress that covered her scorched back.

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