1. Once Upon A Time

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Once upon a time the sun and the moon had four daughters.

These daughters were the seasons.

First came Jadis, the daughter of winter.

Second came Lilith, the daughter of autumn.

Thirdly came Saida, the daughter of spring.

And finally came Valera, the daughter of summer.

They lived in the world of Charn and were considered royalty.

When in harmony, the universe had their seasons in perfect balance.

The four sisters would play together in the illustrious gardens, the sun and moon watching over them with pride.

Magic was of common practice among the daughters, each controlling aspects of their seasons.

Jadis was known as the White Witch.

Lilith the Maple Witch.

Saida the Jade Witch.

Valera the Golden Witch.

Their magic was pure and true, bringing joy to their people all year round.

However, one daughter led astray.

Jadis harboured a bitter jealousy over the love her sisters received.

Her own season was one of coldness, a coldness that soon struck on her heart.

Jadis had dove down deep into the world of dark magic. Something considered unproper in their land.

The other three daughters each took a notice of their sister's absences and her increasingly frigid nature.

They spoke to the sun and the moon, asking for guidance.

But it was too late.

The throne was to pass down to Jadis, the eldest of the daughters, at their sudden passing.

In a new world of darkness and fear, two of the three daughters decided that Jadis was not fit to rule their people.

She had turned into a monster of power and destruction.

And they needed to stop her.

"What is there to do? She is our sister!" exclaimed Saida on the final icy night before Jadis was to be made Queen.

"She is beyond reason. If we do not act now our people will be the ones to suffer for it", Lilith responded.

"There might be a way. Father and mother always said there were two paths to take in any situation. One of light and one of darkness. How can we be better than her if we venture down the latter?" Saida asked.

"She will use the Deplorable Word, Saida. There will be nothing left ... no paths to take at all", Lilith said in a whisper.

Saida fell silent.

The Deplorable Word.

A dark spell of pure evil.

When spoken, it has the capability to destroy all living things other than the caster.

"And what of Valera?" the third daughter eventually spoke again.

"We have discussed this already, Saida. You are well aware of the plans in place for the youngest of us."

"How can we send her away? How can we send her to a place that is not yet in existence, entrusting her life and safety to ... a lion?"

"Aslan will keep Valera from Jadis if the worst comes to pass."

The Golden Witch || Peter Pevensie x OCWhere stories live. Discover now