38. Bolt

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Aslan's How.

That was the name given to the base where the Narnians resided deep in the woods.

It was also a place Valera remembered from the past, for it was the location of the Stone Table.

Upon her initial arrival, a group of Narnians waited for her outside the vast mountain, covered with trees, that now concealed the cracked artifact.

Centaurs lined up opposite one another, raising their swords as a show of loyalty and respect as Valera approached them with Caspian by her side.

In the centre of the line of creatures to her left, a younger centaur failed to hold up his sword, swiftly being corrected by his mother.

Valera left Caspian's side to approach the innocent boy.

"Hello there", she greeted softly.

The centaur smiled at her nervously before lowering himself into a bow.

"Hello, Your Majesty", he greeted back.

"What might your name be?" Valera asked.

"Lightning Bolt, my lady", he answered.

"Named after the tales of the lightning formed in the sky to wake the army in preparation for the White Witch's attack, my lady", his mother explained.

Valera recalled upon that day.

The lightning formed from her screams of anger, sadness, guilt, dread, fear.

When she believed Aslan to be lost, and for the war to be fought without him at her side.

This young boy was, quite literally, named after her pain.

But it seemed fitting.

Aslan wasn't there now, either.

And things never happen the same way twice.

Perhaps when Valera next brings lightning to the sky, it will not be out of pain, but out of joy.

When she is reconnected to nature again.

"Well, such a name deserves to witness the event it was formed after. When lightning next returns to the sky at my hand, I will ensure you be the first to witness it", Valera promised the young centaur.

The boy's eyes went wide, and his smile showed off his pure state of excitement.

"Thank you, Your Majesty", his mother answered for him, showing her gratitude for Valera's kindness to her son.

A Queen to her subjects. 

Something she hadn't been for a long time.

With a nod, Valera turned back to Caspian who had watched the interaction with a soft smile.

"Shall we?" the girl asked, returning to his side.

Caspian decided to uphold the same amount of respect everyone else seemed to have for their queen, offering Valera his arm to lead her along.

After taking it with a grateful smile, the two leaders continued down the stone pathway leading to the temple.

Inside was not a spectacular sight, such as the inner works of Irondale or Cair Paravel.

But it was beautiful in its own right.

Narnians all stopped in their respective jobs to turn and kneel as Valera entered.

The orange light from lit torches covered the dirt walls and provided sight to the beginnings of their army.

Large pillars of dirt were placed randomly around the large room, holding up the ceiling and mountain from collapsing down upon them.

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