30. The Horn

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Valera was awoken by the sound of her cell door unlocking.

Her eyes peeled open slowly to glance up at her small window to see that it was still dark outside.

Of course, her father wasn't in her view.

She hadn't seen him or her mother for centuries.

But she had come to terms with her severance now, and so all that went through her mind was confusion.

Why would she be called upon at this time of night?

What could Miraz possibly need her for now?

But it was soon revealed just why she was being pulled from her slumber.

And it was a moment that Valera had been wishing to arrive for a long time.

A moment she was starting to think would never come.

"Lea? Lea, wake up!"

The familiar voice of Prince Caspian whispered out to her.

Valera turned around, wincing from her collected injuries that were still open and bleeding, her burns not having enough time to heal yet, to see that, for the first time ever, Caspian had entered into her cell.

"Caspian? What are you doing here?" she asked in a confused daze.

The prince rushed over to her, kneeling down and using a set of rusted keys to unlock the shackles clasped around her ankles.

"Can you stand?" he asked her, ignoring her question.

Valera was now fully awake, feeling the first tastes of freedom that she had been craving.

"I ... I think so", she muttered, using all of her energy to push herself up from the cold stone floor.

The fresh burns littering her back heating up as though they were iron pokers being jammed into her skin all over again.

The bruises covering her chest weren't a huge help either.

Not to mention she had never been weaker.

Going without food or drink of days on end, limited rest and consistent torture at the hands of Miraz and his predecessors caused that.

Valera couldn't help but stumble forward as she finally stood up.

Caspian immediately caught her, slinging her arm over his shoulders to help her walk forward.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Valera found herself asking again as they got closer to her cell door.

"We're getting out of here. For good", Caspian replied in a whisper.

Valera didn't quite know what to make of the situation she found herself in.

But if this was her shot at freedom, then she was going to take it.

Over the past three years, Caspian had become someone she had learnt to trust. Despite the fact that he was a Telmarine.

But that meant nothing to him anymore.

Because he had just been betrayed by his own people. His own family.

For his uncle had had a son. A son which would be his heir to the throne.

And with his father gone, Caspian was the only one in the way of that happening.

His professor had managed to save him from his assassination, attempting to get him out.

But Caspian had refused to leave without Lea by his side.

And so, here he was.

Risking everything to unknowingly save the one hope Narnia had left.

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