49. Just One Drop

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Peter could barely keep his eyes open.

Since leaving Valera's side and joining Susan, Edmund, and Lucy in one of the smaller private spaces within the tomb to begin battle plans, his main focus had been keeping himself awake.

"Pete? Any contributions to make?"

Edmund's voice stopped his head from crashing down onto the table he was sat beside, forcing him to give up his desire for sleep yet again.

"About what?" he asked, not having the slightest clue as to just what he was supposed to contribute to.

"About what we should do to stop us all from dying in the near future. What else?" Susan snapped.

Peter groaned as he bought his hands up to his face, rubbing his eyes to keep them open.

"If I had any ideas we would already be putting them into place. We don't have the time to sit around racking our brains", he pointed out.

"Are you sure Valera didn't show any signs of coming around?" Lucy followed up with a desperate hint to her tone.

"No. She's definitely still in repose", Peter answered.

Silence filled the room as each of the Pevensie siblings continued to try and come up with an answer.

There had to be one somewhere.

One that didn't rely on Valera or Aslan.

One that they could pull off on their own.

"Where's Caspian?" Susan asked after a while.

"Why do you want to know?" Lucy asked with a mischievous smirk on her lips.

"At this point, it's best to get his input on all this. He does know the enemy best", Susan quickly responded.

"Yeah ... because he was one of them", Peter couldn't help but mutter.

"Are you ever going to let that go?" Susan said with hostility.

"Of course. ... Once he's learnt his place", Peter shrugged.

With an exasperated sigh, Susan added, "You have to trust him, Peter."

"I trust him enough. I just left him to watch over Val, didn't I?"

"Because she's practically in a coma whilst being kept safely in the heart of this tomb. A child could have looked after her", Edmund pointed out.

"A child is looking after her", Peter retorted.

"Quite frankly, you were both acting like children earlier", Susan said.

"Let's not restart any arguments", Lucy quickly chimed in just as Peter opened his mouth to respond.

"Now, I don't know about you, but I've got three ideas that we could start building off of", the youngest of them suggested.

"I'm all ears", Peter said, leaning back in his seat.

"First, we talk to Caspian. Susan's right. His knowledge is the key to working out how the Telmarines tick. It'll give us a footing on how they might attack or their weaknesses", Lucy started.

Both Susan and Edmund slowly turned their heads to look at Peter who begrudgingly nodded to agree.

"Second, we try and think of ways to wake Valera up. The healers might have some ideas, or we could shock her awake", Lucy continued.

"Shock her?" Edmund repeated, confused at what it would entail.

"I don't know ... maybe pricking her finger or something like that", Lucy suggested.

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