19. Sacrifice

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Peter and Valera had stayed in the woods discussing the human world for the rest of the day.

She was truly grateful.

It had taken her mind off the fact that Aslan would soon be heading off to the Stone Table.

What Valera had needed in that moment was a distraction. Something to stop her from leaving to stop him.

Peter was the perfect person to give her that.

But distractions don't last forever.

Eventually, the sun had set, and Peter decided he needed to re-join his family.

Valera had told him that she would be spending the rest of the night with Oreius discussing battle strategy.

Peter had approved, telling her she had passed his lessons on how to be a human with flying colours.

He had also told her that he would see her the next day, Valera being thankful she wouldn't have to worry about him searching for her and discovering what was going to happen to Aslan.

But it wasn't Peter Pevensie she had to worry about.

It was the two Pevensie sisters which were about to throw her off her plan.

Valera sat in her tent, wide awake.

She kept envisioning all of the memories she had of the great lion.

All the wisdom he had given to her.

The way he had helped her through her grief of her sisters.

The way he had always protected her, even now, in death.

The way she considered him family, and he considered her family too.

How could she stand idly by, sleep even, whilst he walked to his death?

Valera knew it was the law.

She knew it had to happen.

She knew she had to continue on in this world alone.

But she still found herself slowly getting out of her bed and walking out into the night.

It wasn't a pleasant one.

Valera's emotional state had made it a dim, cloudy, slightly chilly night.

But she ignored her surroundings as she approached Aslan's tent, praying that he was still in there.

Her white silk dress trailed along the grass behind her, the long lace sleeves being the only thing providing her warmth from the cold gusts of wind.

As she stood outside the entrance to the red and golden coloured tent, she felt the moon shining down on her.

She could feel her father trying to communicate to her.

He was trying to tell her that she should still be in bed, just as he would when she was a child and had a nightmare.

He was trying to tell her to leave the lion be, to suffer his fate alone, to leave their last words as they were and to focus once again on the future to come without his presence.

But whilst Valera loved her father with all her heart, she had a different father figure in Narnia, and had done for centuries.

So just as she would have given anything to stop her father from passing to live up in the sky away from her mother, she will do the same in Narnia.

Before the next move could be made, Valera watched as Aslan slowly exited his tent.

"I suppose you knew I would be here", Valera spoke first in a hushed voice as to not awaken those sleeping around them.

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