59. Everything's Changed

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The ceremony had been magical.

The wedding, the celebrations, the people, the atmosphere, the night afterwards.

Valera was experiencing a string of gleeful moments without troubles, resulting in the witch being completely content and forgetful of anything that could interrupt it.

Waking up late the next morning, she found herself held tightly in her husband's arms, with only a bedsheet wrapped around them.

After last night's activities in which the king and the witch truly took advantage of their time alone, she didn't want to wake Peter considering how exhausted it had left them both.

Instead, she expertly and very slowly moved herself from his hold to stand up from their bed before walking across the room to drape Peter's discarded shirt over her body.

Careful to make steps without a sound, the witch then headed to their balcony to greet her mother that was starting to shine her warm, orange rays through the closed curtains.

Hearing Peter exhale and the ruffling of the bedsheet, Valera stopped in her tracks and turned to face him only to see him still fast asleep.

His handsome features looked entirely peaceful as he dreamt of the witch that had fallen asleep beside him.

Smiling softly whilst taking in his appearance, Valera pushed aside the curtain only just enough to be able to slip through and out onto the balcony.

Twirling her wedding ring around her finger, she lifted her elbows to rest them on the stone ledge as she looked down to the courtyard below them.

Once a battlefield in its own right where they had lost, their people had perished, and Valera herself had been almost fatally injured, it was now a very different place.

The Telmarines false rule had been vanquished from here, and instead was replaced with peace and hope.

Valera closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the fresh morning air as she let her past memories from within the Telmarine castle melt away.

There was no place for them in her future.

She didn't want them in her future.

She had the future she did want.

Narnia returned to its former glory, Peter by her side as her husband, the Pevensie's all safe and sound, and Caspian as a rightful King.

Speaking of the newest King of their land, Valera picked up on the sound of his voice calling out to someone from the courtyard below.

Opening her eyes and glancing down, she saw Caspian hastily walking across the ground in the direction of none other than Susan stood across from him.

As she watched the two share a morning greeting, she recognised certain signs immediately.

The nervous disposition Caspian was exhibiting as he spoke to her, the blush rising in Susan's cheeks as she listened.

It reminded her of when herself and Peter were starting to form their own relationship and feelings towards one another.

Just another thing that added to her continuous string of content.

Caspian and Susan appeared to be getting very close to one another.

Both Valera and Peter had noticed it in the time they had spent in Narnia but, given the war they had been focusing on, it had been swept away from their focus and discussion.

But now, with such a hopeful future ahead, Valera did start to wonder what may come from it.

If, like herself and Peter, the future for Caspian and Susan would be the same.

The Golden Witch || Peter Pevensie x OCWhere stories live. Discover now