24. Say It

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"It is finished."

Peter heard those words spoken and had a brief moment where calmness settled across both himself and Narnia.

It was ever so brief, but he felt as if all was peaceful.

He could see the body of the White Witch laid just behind Aslan.


Never to harm another soul again.

Never to bring danger upon those he cared for again.

Which was the very thought that snapped him out of the calmness that had taken over him.

It came in combination with two girls' voices calling out to him.


He turned to see both Susan and Lucy running towards him.

Lucy was the first to wrap him into an embrace.

Peter held his youngest sister tightly, relieved to see that both were still with him.

But there were two people missing.

"Where's Edmund?" Susan asked, addressing the first.

"And where's Valera?" Lucy asked, addressing the second.

Peter glanced around, panic beginning to settle in.

The last time he saw Edmund, his brother had been impaled with a shattered sceptre.

The last time he saw Valera, the girl he loved had been lying limp on the ground, her leg sliced through and bleeding profusely.

As his eyes scanned the field and rocks around him, the first of the two he located was the girl.

Valera was resting against a boulder; her body hadn't moved since he had last seen her. Her eyes were closed, and her arm was outstretched in his direction.

Peter immediately went to approach her, his mind racing as he was too far away to determine whether or not she was breathing.

But he was stopped by Aslan's voice.

"Go to your brother. Family shall take care of family", the lion instructed as he slowly made his way over to where Valera was lying.

"Peter! Come on!" Susan called out after him, his two sisters had already started running off in another direction to try and locate Edmund.

Peter looked back to Valera, the great lion taking a seat to her left, before running as fast as he could to find his own family.

It didn't take long for them to do so.

Edmund was lying just as Valera was.

The only difference being that he was awake.

Peter could hear his short, sharp intakes of breath as he ran up to his brother.

But Edmund wasn't alone.

One of Jadis' followers was inching closer and closer, a wicked smile on his face as he watched Edmund in pain, all the while holding up an axe as if he was preparing to deliver the final blow.

"Edmund!" Susan yelled.

She immediately drew back her bow, an arrow shooting directly into the dwarf's stomach, sending him flying backwards and landing on the ground.

Each of the three siblings fell down by Edmund's side, Susan gently removed his helmet as Edmund struggled for breath.

Lucy quickly bought forth her serum, placing a single drop of red liquid into Edmund's mouth.

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