14. The Story of Valera

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Night had fallen.

Dinner was currently being served.

Valera had spent her afternoon basking in the lowering sun.

Just herself and nature.

It was her truest state. Her purest.

It was the thing she would do to connect to her family.

Something she hadn't been able to do for some time.

Once again, she was feeling the changes happening in Narnia now that the prophecy was on its way to being fulfilled.

Clearly, the Narnians did too.

As she walked through the camp, she passed fauns dancing and singing, centaurs breaking bread and laughing, it felt like how it used to be.


A small voice called out her name from across the camp.

Valera looked up to see the three Pevensies all sat outside a tent around a small fire, feasting on a collection of bread and meats.

Lucy had clearly been the one to call her name, as she started violently waving to the girl, beckoning her to join them.

Valera adhered to the youngest girl's request, walking over to them, manoeuvring herself between the many creatures who were in the way.

"There you are! We haven't seen you all day", Lucy complained once she was within earshot.

"My apologies. I've been fairly busy with ... well, there's a lot to plan out at the moment. A lot needs doing", Valera decided to answer.

She refrained from letting them in on the plans she had come up with earlier that day in terms of going after Edmund.

Despite her protests, Aslan had denied her from going with Oreius to rescue the Son of Adam.

She had been told it was too dangerous to put her anywhere near her sister until absolutely necessary.

Valera had pointed out it seemed absolutely necessary for her to be there considering it was to save the very person who the prophecy, and thus the future of Narnia, relied upon.

But Aslan's word was final.

Valera would stay behind.

"Sit with us", Susan then said, pointing to a seat beside Peter.

Rather amusingly, Peter quickly brushed the ground where she was to sit, removing it from any small twigs or stray pieces of dirt that would have dirtied her dress.

A small gesture.

But one that made Valera's heart soar.

She gave him a soft smile, not to dissimilar to the one she had given him when he allowed her into the tunnel first at the Beaver's damn, before taking a seat.

The four engaged in small conversation as Valera let them eat their dinner.

She, herself, didn't require solid foods all the time.

She functioned as part of nature, and so sunlight was something which kept her fulfilled and healthy. Just as a mother would feed their baby in the early stages of their lives. 

So did Valera's with herself. 

Hence why she had resorted to eating during the winter. The sun had chosen to hide away behind frosty clouds and snowfall. 

But after the day spent in the sun, she was rather full, denying Peter's protests that she really should eat something.

Eventually, Peter turned to his two younger sisters, telling them that it was late.

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