46. Raid on the Castle

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With the first signal from Edmund given, Valera watched from the ground as Peter headed up into the sky.

The unstoppable thoughts and feelings of nerves that overcame her were forced to be put to one side as Glenstorm took the lead, slowly advancing forwards with the rest of the Narnian soldiers towards the castle.

Valera had walked with them, her hands extended out by her hips to call out for nature to follow her.

The forest edge thus moved forwards, growing the trees which roots extended as far as possible underground, the vines slithered across the regrowing grass, and the steady rumbling of the water from nearby rivers was heard.

Those around her kept being startled at the sudden presence of the earth around them coming to life, still not being used to having a living soul connected to nature around.

Valera tried to find the humour in it.

Thinking forwards to the future in which her people would stop being alarmed or wondered by her power, rather seeing her as their ancestors did.

A ruler that would keep the peace in their land.

A queen that would keep the seasons in balance.

A witch that would always bring warmth to their hearts.

Valera then had to try not to spiral herself into a hopeful daze, dreaming of the future.

Before one could even think of what it may be, they had to fight for it first.

Thus, she returned her focus purely onto the nature surrounding her.

It had started to distance itself, advancing slower than the pace she was walking.

But she continued forwards, knowing it would reach her in due course.

And if it didn't ...

That was a problem for later.

Eventually, the castle in the distance got closer and closer. The faint outlines of the stone spires were so clear in her vision, Valera could see the cracks in each of the slabs.

Reaching the farthest end of the stone bridge leading across the deep moat surrounding the castle, Valera involuntarily found herself slowing down.

It was as though her legs were refusing to take further steps.

And as her heart started to beat out of her chest, and the crystal-clear vision of the castle ahead started to blur, Valera realized something worse was surfacing inside of her.

Something beyond nerves.

Something that had now fully bought her to a halt, freezing her in place to render her paralyzed from crossing the bridge.

There were no happy memories of this place.

Even the ones she held involving Caspian were corrupted by her fear that he might turn into one of the ruthless false rulers, or her sadness that she had to keep her true identity a secret from him.

Crossing this bridge turned her back into Lea.

The girl in the cell.

Afraid, tortured, stripped from everything she knew and loved.

Centuries worth of painful reminders flooded her mind.

Every beating, every failure, every tear shed, every burn, every regret.

If she hadn't been in such a state of sudden shock, she might have broken down then and there.

"My Lady?"

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