53. Use the Past

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Planning for a battle is half the battle itself.

When discussing strategy with her fellow leaders and soldiers, Valera struggled just as they did.

They had her awake and on their side to fight. That boosted their chances of victory.

But she knew it wouldn't be enough. The numbers of the Telmarine army couldn't be taken on by her alone.

Even with their army, lacking in comparison, and the addition of Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Caspian ... a loss could still present itself. Just like it did when they raided the castle.

They needed to figure out a smarter way to move on from the past into the future.

And that was when Valera had had an idea.

They needed to use the past to move into the future.

The last time her side emerged victorious in a battle was when they fought Jadis.

Really putting her mind to it, Valera realized that the situation they found themselves in wasn't too dissimilar to that of the past.

Having to fight a battle in which Valera's power, combined with that of their army and leaders, wouldn't be enough and thus they needed Aslan to intervene.

Back then, they devised a six phase strategy to keep up with Jadis' larger army until Susan and Lucy returned with Aslan by their side.

All they needed to do was buy time.

So, they all racked their brains to come up with a sneaky, logical plan using their knowledge of their surroundings and their armies' strengths that would be put in place the moment war broke out.

That is where they found themselves now.

War had broken out.

It was time to see if their strategies would do the trick.


Caspian's yell snapped Peter, Valera, and Edmund out of their preparing minds to initiate these strategies.

Turning back around to face the advancing enemy, Valera saw one of the lords had stayed behind to try and take on the leaders.

Peter immediately lunged forwards as Edmund drew his sword, able to diffuse the situation in a short two slashes to the lord's thigh and neck.

"Go!" Peter called back as the two brothers raced forwards to try and cut down the other retreating lords.

"Lea, come on!"

Caspian's voice beckoned the witch to her position. Behind him on horseback as she left the battlefield.

Leaving behind Peter and Edmund was something she was against. Just like she was against it during their planning of the raid on Miraz's castle.

But it was all part of the first step of their strategy.

This first step was made with the intention to not overexert Valera too early in the battle.

All Peter's idea, of course.

Heavily supported by his siblings and Caspian who knew Valera's power would be needed in full force if their hopes of Aslan returning were crushed.

Therefore, she needed to be out of the way of one-on-one combat where she might risk taking on one too many Telmarines before they needed her to wipe out as many as she could.

The compromise they came to was allowing her to stay relatively close.

Just below the stone ledge the archers stood on, there was another ledge that jutted out above the entrance to the tomb.

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