15. Knight of Narnia

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Peter hadn't slept well that night.

After hearing of Valera's story, he felt estranged from his own feelings and thoughts.

How exactly does one come to care so greatly for a girl in a world he has only just been introduced to?

Why is it that he wanted nothing more than to get out of bed to go and find wherever she had wandered off to so that he could let her know he had plans to stay. To fight this war against her sister. The White Witch.

What was it that made his entire body heat up when his hand had touched hers?

Questions going unanswered as Peter eventually had fallen asleep, his dreams only being of the daughter of summer.

The very girl he set out to see at first light.

"Good morning", Peter greeted to one of the centaurs that both Aslan and Valera seemed to be well acquainted with.

"Good morning, Your Highness", the centaur replied, taking a bow.

Peter hadn't quite gotten used to the displays of respect given to him yet.

But he wasn't exactly complaining.

It was a vast improvement upon the way he had been treated back in his world at school.

Teenage boys and girls were ruthlessly cruel sometimes.

"I don't suppose you've seen Valera anywhere?" Peter asked.

"Ah, is his Royal Highness getting along well with Lady Valera?" the centaur asked, his tone rather suggestive.

Peter simply shifted uncomfortably in his place, not quite knowing how to answer that assumption.

Of course he was getting on well with Valera.

Better than he had gotten on with anyone in such a short time frame.

A little too well.

"She is within the depths of the forest. Keep travelling until you reach the border between summer and winter. That is where you will find her", the centaur then answered.

Peter gave him a grateful smile before heading off into the woods, passing by Susan and Lucy playing beside a river.

"Where are you going?" Susan called out to him.

"To find Valera", Peter yelled back.

From where they were stood a fair distance from him, Peter watched as his two sisters shared a rather amused glance before letting out high-pitched giggles.

"Okay. Well ... have fun!" Lucy then called out as she raised her eyebrows up at her brother.

"Don't sneak up on her. Girls don't like to be startled!" Susan added.

"Especially not ones you wish to date!" Lucy then shouted.

Peter simply rolled his eyes.

This wasn't a time or a situation demanding of such childish assumptions.

The last thing he needed was sibling torment. Susan and Lucy didn't know what they were thinking.

Sure, Valera was a beautiful, powerful witch with a heart of pure gold, but that doesn't mean he was going to pursue a romantic interest in her.

At least, not during war times.

Peter knew he had duties now, as did Valera.

Duties that needed to be met with the upmost seriousness and dignity. No distractions.

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