5. The Beginning of the End

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The prophecy had finally arrived.

Valera knew to trust Aslan's word as gospel, but she was one to see to believe.

Once she had laid eyes on the young girl named Lucy, with short brown hair and eyes of the earth, she knew it to be true.

This was the beginning of the end.

After a century of hiding. Of watching those around her suffer. Of feeling weak and helpless. Of knowing her people were in a constant state of misery and fear.

The sun will shine once more.

And happiness will be restored to Narnia.

But first, there will be a fight.

One that Valera was prepared for. She had been for decades.

And that war started now.

"Hello Maugrim", Valera said out loud as she stood in the snow-covered woods.

A wolf jumped out of the dark shadows cast by the surrounding trees. It was swiftly followed by two others of its kind.

The three creatures began circling the girl, baring their teeth and growling as a threat.

"Hello, my lady", the first wolf to appear snarled.

"I'm surprised to hear you use such respected greetings. Working for my sister, I assumed you would have been instructed to address me with nothing less than crude insults", Valera spoke calmly.

"The true Queen of Narnia still recognises you as her sister. Despite having only hatred for you, she doesn't deny you share the same blood", Maugrim replied.

"Aslan is the rightful ruler of Narnia. And our blood is a substance to be spilt in the days to come", said Valera.

She slowly placed her hands behind her back, summoning upon whatever nature may be on her side in those parts.

She hoped that the appearance of a Daughter of Eve would have swayed their allegiances.

"How about we spill some right now?" Maugrim said as he signalled for his two companions to inch closer to the girl.

"You know of the prophecy, Maugrim. Killing me will not guarantee my sister's place on the throne."

The prophecy had foretold that Aslan would be the one to bring winter's end. Along with Adam's flesh and bone.

Valera's role was something of an afterthought.

To set right the wrongs.

"It will be a start. One that her majesty has ordered us to carry out", Maugrim responded, maintaining his slow pace around her.

"I'm also surprised to hear she doesn't want to kill me for herself. As she did with my other two sisters", Valera said, her calm tone staying in her voice steadily.

She would not show fear.

Her sisters didn't.

"We will bring you to her before your last breath is taken. That right is for the queen", Maugrim explained before stopping still.

Valera faced off against the wolf, keeping herself aware of the other two placed to her left and right sides.

"Now!" Maugrim snapped his instruction in a mixture of a bark and a word.

Valera raised up both of her hands, trying not to close her eyes.

If nature were to betray her now, these would be her final moments.

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